• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Evhelm

  1. E

    D&D General Dungeons of Drakkenheim & Lairs of Etharis: WotC Adds Third Party Products To D&D Beyond

    Never thought I'd see my own writing showing up on D&D Beyond and being talked about on ENWorld! :love:
  2. E

    D&D 5E Curse of Strahd 'Revamped' Boxed Collector's Edition

    Yes! That was my reaction too. Why softcover? Will that be, in any way, an improvement? Curious as to what they're trying/testing with that...
  3. E

    D&D 5E UA: Order Domain Cleric.

    I was really psyched about an "order" domain, but this feels more like a "control" domain, to me.
  4. E

    Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Presents The Cleric's Order Domain

    I was really psyched about an "order" domain, but this feels more like a "control" domain, to me.
  5. E

    Volo’s Guide to Monsters

    4 out of 5 rating for Volo’s Guide to Monsters This is a solid, if somewhat lackluster, attempt to add to the 5e canon without creating a new splat-book run (as in 3e).
  6. E

    Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

    5 out of 5 rating for Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide It is exactly what it purports to be: a source of juicy morsels about the landscape of the Sword Coast as it recommends itself to 5e. Do not come a-knockin' lookin' for crunch, because this book is all about the fluff. And such sweet fluff...
  7. E

    D&D 5E Improving Neverlight Grove (OotA Spoilers)

    Did anyone else find the map weirdly not to scale? The descriptions evoke this gigantic forest of mushrooms, but the actual map is roughly the size of a football field!
  8. E

    D&D 5E After Tyranny of Dragons (OR: What to do with 15+ level PCs?)

    Awesome. This is exactly why I started this thread in the first place: a chance to gather solutions to the problem :) Thank you! As it stands, my group voted to retire the characters (for now) and try Out of the Abyss. That means I have plenty of time to leisurely let solutions accrue here, and...
  9. E

    D&D 5E After Tyranny of Dragons (OR: What to do with 15+ level PCs?)

    Oh, trust me, I have tons of great ideas for what a post-15 campaign could cover, but I really don't have time to develop it from whole cloth! And, again, I have never run even a post-12 campaign, so this is new territory for me. New enough that I feel like I'd ruin (what has been) a perfectly...
  10. E

    D&D 5E After Tyranny of Dragons (OR: What to do with 15+ level PCs?)

    All interesting solutions, but so far, I think I'm leaning toward a 3e conversion. I have zero experience with earlier edition modules, and my group meets so infrequently that putting the ToD characters aside likely means permanently retiring them. The more I read, the more it sounds like...
  11. E

    D&D 5E Phandelver to Tyranny of Dragons?

    I know this is an old thread, but for those who are looking for options and stumble on it, this has been discussed elsewhere :) http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?366830-Bringing-characters-from-LMoP-to-HotDQ
  12. E

    D&D 5E After Tyranny of Dragons (OR: What to do with 15+ level PCs?)

    That's an interesting idea! But that sounds like it would be tougher even than doing a conversion of a 3e title; the Dead in Thay adventure is geared toward low level adventurers as I recall (6th'ish?).
  13. E

    Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    4 out of 5 rating for Hoard of the Dragon Queen Hoard of the Dragon Queen is best thought of as a middle-man. Play it after the Starter Set (and carry the characters over), and use it to lead into Rise of Tiamat. As a stand-alone adventure, it fails to shine. Worth doing, but it does have its...
  14. E

    D&D 5E After Tyranny of Dragons (OR: What to do with 15+ level PCs?)

    As I generally do, I have to start this post with a potential apology: It's possible this question (set) has been asked an answered elsewhere on the forums, but I haven't seen it yet. Has anyone tried to continue a campaign past the end of the Tyranny of Dragons adventure path (without...
  15. E

    Crediting Contributors

    I approve.