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Recent content by Esau Cairn

  1. E

    Renaming Fantasy Shamans/Shamanism (+)

    So "shaman" isn't to be used for indigenous people of another continent because of ethnolinguistics, but re-titling a collective word by use of Greek and Latin terms is okay...? Our long-term play group member and close friend is res-born and as full-blooded as such people are, and his...
  2. E

    Why do Americans pronounce centaurs "centars"???

    Rather a board stroke to cast over a country with literally a dozen major dialects and more than a hundred minor ones. A few summers ago, I had a debate with some university graduates from Germany about their county's 472km border with Poland--which they insisted did not exist. At first, I...
  3. E

    Commentary thread for that “Describe your game in five words” thread.

    I like this idea but haiku can be daunting-- "Arrrgh! The syllables!" ••• ...and yes, we know that moras are not syllables but it's still good fun... especially if you want to start a complete renga
  4. E

    Favorite Rules for the following settings....

    It's been released in bits and pieces; seems like the entire gm's and player's guides & a handful of scenarios. I first encountered the game decades ago when happening upon some Swedes gaming at a remote location in Yellowstone Park; I was working there and they were in the midst of a US tour of...
  5. E

    Favorite Rules for the following settings....

    • Western: We have most enjoyed Western (IV) by Åskfågeln (quite a bit released, but hung up in Kickstarter Hell due to creator medical issues). • Space: Proto-Traveller with house rules attached. • Post Apocalyptic: Twilight: 2000 (1e, with rule attachments + variants). • Futuristic: Having...
  6. E

    When and what game did you start with.

    I grew up in Hunstville, Alabama, so--perhaps appropriately--instead of D&D it was Traveller that my best friend across the street got around Thanskgiving, '77. That Christmas, visiting relatives, I introduced a couple of cousins and a friend of theirs to rpgs with Traveller (who didn't want to...
  7. E

    Who's going to GenCon

    Due to the cost of such systems, I am both curious and a little skeptical about how much public information is available concerning this. It is a simple thing to claim, but equally simple to back up if it's true. A player and long-time friend works at a trauma center where they had medical...
  8. E

    Who's going to GenCon

    Um... Does it work as a mask? Let's ask Tony: "It's greeeeeeeat!" (I'll show myself to the door.)
  9. E

    RPG Print News – Chaosium, Arc Dream, Osprey, and More

    FWIW, this publication is not a single adventure. It's more of a Handler's kit of information for the expansive campaign mentioned in the write-up. Waiting for this to be reprinted in a larger work is likely to be a futile interim.
  10. E

    My First Game: Top Secret/SI

    More than when, I think it has to do with who introduces you to rpgs. Especially since, industry-wide, D&D in in various incarnations/editions has always been the most popular.
  11. E

    My First Game: Top Secret/SI

    Would be curious as to the demographics of who didn't start with D&D. (My fourth rpg, and only played 2-3 times in 40+ years.)
  12. E

    So You've Decided to Run a "Western" Game. What Kind?

    Yes, the medical problems. :cry: Incredible material they've released. Just wish it could have come without the personal cost to them.
  13. E

    So You've Decided to Run a "Western" Game. What Kind?

    As opposed to the 16th, 17th, & 18th? In almost 30 years of studying genocide, one of the few absolute statements I stand by is that there is no "most" in any discussion of genocide. Most by number? Most by degree of savagery? Most by duration? Most by percent toward eradication? Who wants to...
  14. E

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Rewriting CPRed's timeline works better.
  15. E

    So You've Decided to Run a "Western" Game. What Kind?

    Perhaps not coincidentally, Icelandic Sagas make for great Westerns. Using the rules from the ill-fated Swedish rpg Western IV, we played out Njál's Saga in an incredible campaign between the borders of the Utah and Montana Territories, in the mythically-named land of Idaho.