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Recent content by EmbraCraig

  1. EmbraCraig

    DDAL Starting Running D&D Adventure League - some questions

    Hi Dave - cheers for replying and sorry, didn’t come back to you on this (I guess you might have been a bit busy this week anyway, what with a con to run and everything). I was there, I ran two games of DDAL (one of the premieres and the Epic), and has a blast - great job from all the...
  2. EmbraCraig

    DDAL Starting Running D&D Adventure League - some questions

    Thanks for the answers folks - all very helpful. I'll probably look to organise something for October once the new material is available, but it's good to see that the conversion for old materials doesn't seem too bad. I do like Ebberron as a setting, but I'll probably stay with FR to keep...
  3. EmbraCraig

    DDAL Starting Running D&D Adventure League - some questions

    Hi all, I've been out of RPGing for a few years after my kids being born, but after attending Tabletop Scotland at the weekend and playing in the AL Epic on the Saturday night, my appetite is whetted again. I'm considering starting running Adventure League in my area. I'd like to do so with a...
  4. EmbraCraig

    Mantic Games - Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest - Finishes midnight (UK) 31/8/14

    Last update on this one, with the campaign having about 3 hours to go and closing in on $1,000,000! Plenty of options have been added on, and some more stuff has gone into the $100 base pledge too, which now looks really good value. For any that don't want to pledge for the game, there is a $1...
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  6. EmbraCraig

    Mantic Games - Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest - Finishes midnight (UK) 31/8/14

    Just under a week to go, and the base $100 pledge has got a good chunk of extra stuff so far, including extra heros, more undead, some orcs, goblins and devils. There are also 2 expansions available for $25 each which have campaigns based on the greenskins and devils, with extra dungeon tiles...
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  8. EmbraCraig

    Mantic Games - Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest - Finishes midnight (UK) 31/8/14

    A quick update as they've now supplied an updated image of what the $100 pledge gets you - an extra 10 minis since the KS went live, and the current stretch goals are to add 4 Zombie Trolls (3 standard, 1 shaman boss) to the mix. I'm liking the non-human undead that they're throwing in - undead...
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  10. EmbraCraig

    Mantic Games - Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest - Finishes midnight (UK) 31/8/14

    I couldn't see a thread on this, so although I'm not affiliated with Mantic in any way I thought I'd post something up. Mantic Games have a new Kickstarter out, for a new board game called Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest. The initial $50k funding goal went in 4 minutes (previous campaigns...
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  12. EmbraCraig

    Pathfinder Society in Edinburgh, Scotland

    I'm glad to say that the first session went well - we had 6 players who all seemed to enjoy themselves, and I had a good time running the game. The next event will be on the 2nd February, where we'll be running scenario 5-08 - The Confirmation. http://paizo.com/events/v5748mkg0anha...
  13. EmbraCraig

    Pathfinder Society in Edinburgh, Scotland

    Our first event is organised now - we'll be running In Service to Lore on 18/1/14 - please register at www.orcedinburgh.co.uk and sign up to the event if you'd like to take part. www.orcedinburgh.co.uk/component/eventlist/details/1054-pathfinder-society-first-steps-in-service-to-lore?Itemid=122
  14. EmbraCraig

    Pathfinder Society in Edinburgh, Scotland

    Hello folks, I'm looking to kick off some Pathfinder Society games in Edinburgh, Scotland in the new year - if you're local and interested, please head over to the ORC Edinburgh forum thread, reply or send a message here and let me know :)...
  15. EmbraCraig

    Upscaling Reavers of Harkenwold and Campaign...

    If you're only talking about a couple of levels difference, then either way should work well. If you were talking about a 4 or 5+ level difference, then adding more monsters works less well, as the players will pretty much always hit and the monsters will struggle to hit back. If I was doing...