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Recent content by embee

  1. embee

    Mando season 3

    My understanding is that they can't take off their helmets IN THE PRESENCE OF ANOTHER LIVING BEING. So, a life of solitude or maybe have a droid companion. I mean, we never see anyone in Star Wars go to the bathroom. Does that mean that there are no bathrooms? Almost certainly not. I imagine...
  2. embee

    Mando season 3

    So.... they're DS9 Klingons.
  3. embee

    Mando season 3

    Wouldn't it have just been easier for the Mandalorian cult to say, "You know what? The tarrasque can have this beach. We can do our bar mitzvahs somewhere else."
  4. embee

    D&D 5E Dark Sun, problematic content, and 5E…

    Just playing devil's advocate: In this sensationalized news environment, "Hasbro Makes A Game Of Slavery" is probably not something the higher-ups want to hear about.
  5. embee

    What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

    Again, be careful what you ask for. Because Syril Karn checks all of your boxes.
  6. embee

    Games that you haven't run but want to [+]

    Pathfinder. The OGL debacle gave me and my group the impetus to get outside of our 5e comfort zone. A 6 week hiatus in the 2+ year-old campaign helped. I gave the group a choice of DCC, OSE, or Pathfinder. We're running DCC which, I think, has a much more fun tone. Yes it's gonzo. But it can...
  7. embee

    What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

    I dunno. I feel like that would be an improvement over the qualification being "Be either Skywalker or Palpatine."
  8. embee

    What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

    The Special Editions.
  9. embee

    What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

    <rant> AOTC, which summarizes in one scene how formulaic and stupid Star Wars had become. That scene is, of course, the diner scene. Know what other movie featured Star Wars mashed up with a 50's style diner in space? Spaceballs. Good job, Lucas! You cribbed from a movie that had made fun of...
  10. embee

    D&D (2024) RPG Evolution: Where Are the Board Gamers?

    I propose a solution using intrabrand synergy. I am, of course, referring to a 5e conversion of Monopoly. Don't get me wrong; I love Monopoly. I just think it focuses too much on exploration and not enough on combat and roleplay.
  11. embee

    D&D General WotC Reveals New Information and Covers for 'Keys from the Golden Vault'

    When did the CCG come out? I seem to remember it around 1993.
  12. embee

    It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.

    My uncle once explained to me "The Trust Glass." Imagine a glass of water. You can put water in and take water out. But, if the glass is ever empty, it will break. That is trust. WOTC emptied out the Trust Glass.
  13. embee

    D&D (2024) What happens if One DnD fails?

    Clearly, if this were to happen, Hasbro would send out an army of stooges to go house to house, kicking down doors and seizing everyone's 5e materials. Of course, if this didn't happen, I imagine that if people didn't buy into OneD&D, they'd likely just continue using all of the 5e and...
  14. embee

    Ryan Dancey -- Hasbro Cannot Deauthorize OGL

    I think one of the strongest arguments in favor of Mr. Dancey's position is one of the bedrock principles of contract law: Unless otherwise specified, ambiguities in a contract are generally construed against the drafter. Is it or is it not revocable? Construed against WOTC (the drafter), it...
  15. embee

    Star Wars: Andor

    Don't think of them as episodes. Watch 3 episode story arcs all at once. They are more like made-for-TV movies.