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Recent content by Dumboldt

  1. Dumboldt

    Planescape Running a Planescape Campaign with Optional Proficiency Rules from the DMG?

    Yes, but I thought advantage too big a bonus so proficiency seemed interesting. On the other hand Hero Points can reach impossible DCs whereas Advantage cannot, so they could create little miracles in-game that seem to fit the setting. Exactly haha, belief-midi-chlorians directly affect the...
  2. Dumboldt

    Planescape Running a Planescape Campaign with Optional Proficiency Rules from the DMG?

    I'm tempted to run Planescape in 5E. I'm looking for simple mechanics that would tie the dice rolls to the alignments of the characters, their philosophies as well as their factions. Has anybody tried that? The simpler the better. For now, I'm thinking using the optional rules from the DMG p...
  3. Dumboldt

    [Chaosium] Paladin • Warriors of Charlemagne

    Gorgeous, it's on my wishlist... I hope I'll succeed in my saving throw for now though!
  4. Dumboldt

    What books unrelated to TTRPGs are the most useful to you for TTRPGs?

    Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel has been quoted three times so far: anyone wants to develop how useful exactly it is for RPGs?