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Recent content by Dreist

  1. D

    WOIN Roll with it and quick stand

    Hello, I am curious how these two exploits interact. Roll with it seems to not use a reaction, and says " You can’t use any exploit that allows you to instantly stand up in the same turn you use this exploit". Now, since you generally get hit on enemy turns, does that mean that on your turn...
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    WOIN Questions concerning certain exploit interactions

    Hello, I was wondering if the Mage exploit Specialization applied to arcane bolt, firebolt, or freezing breath, if the corresponding secret is taken. I was also wondering if Fiery affinity affects spellcasting (I imagine it does, but I thought to ask while it was in my mind.
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    WOIN N.E.W. Psionics boost question

    Thank you very much! I do have one additional question I've come across, which is when looking at the premades in NOW, they have PP as if they rolled 5 on every dice for their WIL and PSI roll. Am I readying how you generate PP wrong? Also, do you only regenerate a WIL check worth of PP per day?
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    WOIN N.E.W. Psionics boost question

    Hello, I have come across a question that I BELIEVE I know the answer to, but I would like to ask here. When cast spells with a boost value, such as Pyrokinetic blast, which does 1d6 per 2 PP spent, does that count the minimum PP of 6 (as it requires 6 PP as a minimum)? So a 6 PP Pyrokinetic...
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    WOIN Small magic questions

    Thank you
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    WOIN Small magic questions

    I see where you're coming from, but they say you recover MP by resting, stops the sentence, and then later defines how one becomes rested (8 hours). The 1 hour thing is also specifically doing something, not just resting. That thing cannot be stressful, but it is still a focused activity...
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    WOIN Capping Your Dice Pool

    My question was unrelated to yours, I was just wanting to clarify something separately, that said, I do have some thoughts on your question: I think that would be a somewhat unbalancing element. The point of the cap is to avoid overspecialization/min-maxing, and to keep a certain relative...
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    WOIN Capping Your Dice Pool

    So, say you were capped at 5 dice, but had the attributes and skills to use 6 dice, however you had to improvise your equipment (-2 dice). Since the cap is AFTER you apply attributes and skills, that would mean you roll 4 dice, right?
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    WOIN Small magic questions

    I can see it either way due to the wording, since I says "A magic-user recovers MP by resting." But it never calls the hour recovery resting, but it DOES describe the eight hour rest as resting. The wording is weird, and I read it as the double-recovery method, but that gives an ABSURD amount...
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    WOIN Small magic questions

    Hello! I have two small questions concerning magic, or rather, one question concerning MP regeneration, and one concerning the mage exploit arcane bolt. My question about MP regeneration comes from how it is worded in the book. It says that a magic-user recovers MP when resting, and once...
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    WOIN Fire mage and ice mage stat requirements

    Her careers are Wizard's Apprentice, Mage, Mage, Fire mage, Fire mage. But even if she put 2 points into AGI, none of the careers she took before fire mage gave AGI. This confuses me a bit, I won't lie.
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    WOIN Fire mage and ice mage stat requirements

    Fireball spells work off MAG (evocation), so does firebolt.
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    WOIN Fire mage and ice mage stat requirements

    Ah, right, I always forget that physical stats start at 3. I still think it is a heavy cost considering how heavily you have to invest more in AGI for fire mage, which doesn't really use AGI, than for Archer, which has AGI as its bread and butter. Thank you very much for your responses.
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    WOIN Fire mage and ice mage stat requirements

    How could she start with 5 AGI? When I checked it seemed they could only start with +2 in something, so it'd be 2 AGI+whatever she gets from careers, right? Do you mean she can reasonably reach AGI 5 in character creation, because if so, then to be a fire mage you really need to drop the idea...
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    WOIN Fire mage and ice mage stat requirements

    Hello folks! I am sorry if this question has been asked before, but the only thing I found when searching concerns the secret requirements. While I understand the fire mage requires the secret of fire, what confuses me is that the book says they also need 6+ AGI, and the ice mage 6+ END. This...