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Recent content by Dragonwriter

  1. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    I'm sorry to hear that Jaedlyn, though I'm glad you enjoyed my games. Good luck and good gaming in the future. You'll be missed.
  2. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    No me tonight, again. Hope WotBS is starting up nicely for everyone.
  3. D

    Sleepy Hollow

    Season 2 is already confirmed as coming. I'm thankful my on-demand service has this available, as I've really been enjoying the show. The leads are good, the writing is pretty good for a brand-new show, and the overarching story has a lot of cool potential. The last two episodes were alright...
  4. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Rats, I thought I had posted. I'm working tomorrow night and next Monday afternoon. Next week, I get off at 6 PM, though, and will hopefully have the energy to run the game. If nothing else, we might all be able to discuss the game's future a little. From my point of view, I see a handful of...
  5. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Not for maintaining a schedule. And I have discovered I have another shift next Monday night. It seems to be getting harder and harder to run the game with this bouncing around. I don't want to keep everyone hanging thanks to my ever-changing work, and a once-a-month game really isn't good for...
  6. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    And I have found out I am working next Monday evening (the 9th). Oi... It seems my work has a vendetta against my Monday nights recently. :p
  7. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Expand the node with the + sign, do the same to General, and again for Funds/Equipment. Then right-click equipment and select Design. It'll bring up all the options. If you are running into a huge list, you could consider Cloning Equipment and changing its specific contents, like making one...
  8. D

    PlayStation 4 or Xbox One or Wii U?

    I find those series fairly boring, too. I did temporarily forget about Rayman and Bayonetta being pulled up for Nintendo, but as you yourself say they aren't enough. And EA and Ubisoft, basically the two biggest and most-prolific third-party publishers, have effectively stated that the WiiU...
  9. D

    PlayStation 4 or Xbox One or Wii U?

    I believe that was actually intended as first-party games, as in developed and published by Nintendo, not the "party game" genre. Now, on to the issue at hand. For the record, I own both 360 and PS3 and use them regularly for a variety of features. Haven't picked up a Wii, though I'm...
  10. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    I seem to recall the list I marked as approved did not include the Giant Squid, Locathah, Sahuagin, Dire Shark, or Sea Hag. They struck me as unlikely for Kiri to have encountered, and studying is not a good avenue to Polymorph forms, in my view. Kapoacinth is available, though. And a repost to...
  11. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Take care of whatever needs it. Don't worry about the game. I'm not feeling well and came to the conclusion a little while ago to cancel anyway, as I wouldn't be doing a good job of DMing tonight. Hope it works out smoothly and see you next week.
  12. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Kinda guessed. No biggie, stuff happens. We'll resolve that action at the start of next session.
  13. D

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Finally got absolute confirmation. Took long enough... Schedule is good tomorrow. And it should be good next week, too.
  14. D

    IRON DM 2013--Entries, Judgements, Commentary, & Trash-Talk

    Sure. :) While last round was pretty quick in how I managed to think something up, this set had me puzzled. The really troublesome ones for me were Diplomatic Immunity and Impossible Dream. Impossible Dream is, of course, easily a thematic element, but how do you use it and make it really...
  15. D

    IRON DM 2013--Entries, Judgements, Commentary, & Trash-Talk

    Congratulations Wicht! :) It was great fun getting involved this year, and it was a marvelous learning experience. I actually hadn't even thought of that interpretation for Wise Fool applied to Arkaz. Which is really so much cooler than the Divine Jester I cooked up. And thank you for the...