• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Draegn

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    D&D 5E GM: Who Do You Target? [READ OP BEFORE VOTING]

    Through roleplaying the one that antagonizes the foes the most.
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    D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art

    I have used AI to attempt to recreate the AD&D lamia. No luck. I get lots of oddly floating body parts or Avataresque looking beings.
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    D&D General Let us share our Elves and Orcs

    Three kinds of elves divided by religion: Light elves worship the stars they first saw upon awaking in the world. Grey elves worship the nature spirits (Green Man of the Woods, Lady of the Lake) they encountered when exploring the world. Dark elves worship whoever gives them power over everyone...
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    D&D 5E Multiple saves needs to go

    I dislike the three saving throws given regardless of what players do. Saving throws should be rewarded for planning and roleplay. If your players know (GM clues and hints) they are facing a medusa and one just rushes in without a thought, then that player gets the SoS/SoD. If another player...
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    D&D 5E "Once an encounter begins, I will make changes to it for balance, fun, or rules reasons." (a poll)

    I give my players a choice of dying or having something bad happen. Bad being potentially anything one might read in a real trauma center report.
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    D&D 5E Critical Hits and damage - What do you do?

    I have a chart the player rolls on. Can get from 2x-6x damage, or inflict lingering effects. Players before meeting Harold Halfman, thought he was a dwarf. No, just an unlucky adventurer who lost so many bits and bobs of flesh that he earned the moniker halfman.
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    D&D General Why did you pick your campaign setting?

    I once saw a picture and model of the medieval London Bridge. Ran the entire campaign on the bridge. The players never left it.
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    D&D General What do you want in a game space?

    I dream of a Victorian gothic library with Christopher Guy majestic chairs.
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    D&D General aasimar appearance

    It is far more interesting if you have assimar based upon a biblically accurate depiction of angels.
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    D&D 1E Tell me about your AD&D 1E house rules

    A few things in brief. Uniform experience progression. Classes replaced with backgrounds (Talislanta inspired) Additional attributes 10 to 13 depending upon player choice and chosen backgrounds. Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Humans, Elves, Faeries (custom race), Orcs, (Hobgoblins, Goblins...
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    D&D 5E What is up with the popularity of watching other D&D groups play the game?

    I have found that some of the D&D play shows on youtube are much better than what you find on television.
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    D&D 5E Adding Additional Skills to the game

    I have added skills. There are 80 active skills, 120 occupational/background skills, and language skills which are dependent upon the campaign. This allows my players more creativity in writing up their characters.
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    D&D 5E Need an idea for a player.

    A human with genetic dwarfism. He does not know if he is a dwarf or human, he has only just escaped from the travelling carnival where a cruel half-orc made him perform acrobatic tricks.