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Recent content by Doctor Futurity

  1. Doctor Futurity

    Pathfinder 1E Are people still playing Pathfinder 1e?

    I just moved recently and uncovered all my Pathfinder 1E books. Good memories, and I have decided to drag them out of retirement to run another game soon.
  2. Doctor Futurity

    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Greyhawk will make an excellent sample setting for the new edition. I have never been one to appreciate its appeal (I'm one of those contrarian old grognards who did not happen to like Greyhawk overly much) but it's sufficiently general in purpose and can work really well as a demonstration on...
  3. Doctor Futurity

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    As PHB covers go this is one of the more dynamic ones and I rather like it. I actually kind of like the 5E PHB cover currently, and also liked the 4E PHB cover, but was never a fan of the faux grimoire look of 3rd edition, and despite being a huge stan for AD&D 2E I concede it had All The Worst...
  4. Doctor Futurity

    D&D 5E Why I think gold should have less uses in 5e, not more.

    Decades of experience have taught me that gold is never a true motivator, it is instead an intermediary currency for what the players may really want. If you build mechanical effects for gold expenditure that lead to XP (a problem in and of itself if you are using a milestone system to level up...
  5. Doctor Futurity

    Pathfinder 1E Are there compelling reasons to upgrade to PF1 from 3.0?

    I had to read this because I am enamored at the idea that someone got 3.0 and stayed with it for two and a half decades. I envy you! To this day I wish I hadn't made the jump from 3.0 to 3.5, even if it did fix many issues I had with 3.0, because the additional cruff of 3.5 changed the...
  6. Doctor Futurity

    D&D General D&D "influencers" need to actively acknowledge other games.

    Maybe she doesn't know Fate. I had Fate for a while and could not get in to it's mechanical design or style, so would never even think of it as a solution to anything.
  7. Doctor Futurity

    D&D 5E What I Don't Like About Subclasses, and Potential Solutions.

    I've played wizards, warlocks and sorcerers that were sufficiently distinct that having individual classes made the experience worthwhile. You combine them and you lose that granularity. Better to provide all three classes and let the game table/GM decide if he wants to limit one or more in the...
  8. Doctor Futurity

    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    I guess in the end TFT and GURPS are both exemplars of the "niche within a niche of a cottage industry" among RPGs, steeped in design ethos that date back decades. Fifteen years ago I still thought GURPS could take off if redone and represented the right way. Today....nope. It's core design is...
  9. Doctor Futurity

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I'm all in on Tales of the Valiant, will have a good campaign under my belt with that version by the time D&D 6 arrives and I can then give that one a spin. I do not foresee changing unless they do some really weird stuff with the new edition, given my track record of playing D&D continuously...
  10. Doctor Futurity

    D&D General The rise and fall of D&D in Japan

    I'll need to check Sword World out. Do you know if it was localized in English? Hmmmm I guess I can be a good internet person and search around... EDIT: I see a World guide/core book on Amazon.
  11. Doctor Futurity

    Black Flag Tales of the Valiant preview: The Wight

    So the wight is no longer going to be portrayed, or reflect the concept of the barrow wight, or the draugr, then? Hmmmm. I mean, it can still be that, of course, but surprised that its actual original reference isn't addressed at all in some way. Agreed though, something about this approach...
  12. Doctor Futurity

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder Monster Core

    I'll preface this comment by saying I like the new Monster Core and I think Paizo is doing a good job trying to disintguish their brand of Golarion and Pathfinder from D&D. But, my observations in a nutshell include: it's got a problem of "implied setting by absence" in that the things missing...
  13. Doctor Futurity

    Dungeons & Dragons: The Fallbacks: Bound for Ruin Review

    This one sounds fun! Also sounds like if I buy it my son will take it from me and read it first. Gonna take a trip to the FLBS.
  14. Doctor Futurity

    D&D General The rise and fall of D&D in Japan

    Does anyone know how D&D compares to home grown titles like Goblin Slayer RPG in Japan? I think there's a conflation in some of the posts here between "popularity of D&D" and popularity of RPGs in Japan. RPGs are very popular....but maybe not D&D itself. Call of Cthulhu is incredibly popular...
  15. Doctor Futurity

    What is/are your most recent TTRPG purchase(s)?

    I've been positively restrained lately. I did grab Dreams & Machines (both the Player's Book and GM's book) recently, though.