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Recent content by DnDChick

  1. DnDChick

    [True20, Reality Blurs] MECHAGENESIS

    Hey, Rob! Long time no see! Frog God Games has a forum, but it's not nearly as active as the old Necromancer Games forums used to be. https://www.froggodgames.com/forum Speaking of those, the NG boards are still up as well, but likewise not very active compared to the glory days...
  2. DnDChick

    [True20, Reality Blurs] MECHAGENESIS

    Mechagenesis is now available in PDF at RPGNow: http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=56985
  3. DnDChick

    [True20, Reality Blurs] MECHAGENESIS

    In light of the unfortunate delay, we're releasing more sneak peeks! Presenting... BACKLASH! The psychotic Legion mechagen feared even by his fellow 'bots. Mean, brutal, vicious... he is quite literally a killing machine. Who wants to see his stats? :]
  4. DnDChick

    [True20, Reality Blurs] MECHAGENESIS

    More teasings: The blue 'bot on the left of the cover is CELERION, the heroic leader of the exiled Alliance mechagens. His alt form is a high-tech supersonic jet fighter. The red 'bot on the right is CENTURION, the villianous leader of the Legion. His alt form is a massive twin-barreled tank...
  5. DnDChick

    [True20, Reality Blurs] MECHAGENESIS

    No links yet. It's still in layout and getting artwork. I'll update when more can be updated. :)
  6. DnDChick

    [True20, Reality Blurs] MECHAGENESIS

    MECHAGENESIS The Earth has been invaded by the Legion, an army of extraterrestrial shape-changing robots bent on galactic domination. They are opposed by the Global Defense Corps, brave humans who sacrifice themselves each and every day to preserve humanity, but they are not alone. You are a...
  7. DnDChick

    [Green Ronin] Talk Like a Pirate Day Free Product

    'Tis a fine thing ta hap'n across buried treasure! Ahrr! :D
  8. DnDChick

    [True20] Living Filmstrip

    Living Filmstrip (Recorded Live, 1975) A living filmstrip is a tangled mass of video tape animated through unknown means. Unlike most constructs, living filmstrip are intelligent, able to think and reason on par with an adult human. Living filmstrip are carnivorous, rapidly consuming all living...
  9. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    And the scariest one yet... BACKLASH “Sting! Sting! STING!” Backlash is all brawn and very little brain. He is mindless aggression in a metallic shell. Other Tyrants think his core processor must have been damaged or installed incorrectly, because even amongst their ranks he is known for his...
  10. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    Heehee... these character ideas come fast and easy once one gets inspired. STREETWISE “You can ‘morph, but you can’t hide.” Streetwise is a sly investigator highly trained in tracking down rogue mechamorphs. She operates in the city, searching for concealed Tyrants among the crowded streets...
  11. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    Well, as I mentioned earlier, it's just a matter of divorcing Strength from attack and damage rolls. Mutans and Masterminds does the same thing, although that game takes it a step further and does the same with Dexterity. That was the biggest hole that needed plugging, IMO, to make it more...
  12. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    ... and now that I've had a chance to do a thorough read-through of the rules, I realize that I have to rework all of the characters I've made. Tech gear is linked only to the alt form, which limits what one should put for the Gear priority since vehicle alt forms have built-in limitations on...
  13. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    I did a little playtest combat with a friend on Saturday, and my changes seemed to work well. It was Punchbug vs. Rundown (Tyrant supercharged Dodge Viper police interceptor). For some reason, the guy running Rundown never bothered to come out of vehicle form. During the fight Rundown tried...
  14. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    I do believe you are correct. My bad!
  15. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    I figured I needed to learn how to do Animechs, since one of the players wants one. SPINN “The best web is one of deceit.” Spinn is an Arachnon, a tribe of mercenary Animechs with loyalty only to one another. Unlike most of his tribe, however, Spinn has actually chosen sides in the battle for...