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Recent content by DMH

  1. D

    Low Tech Biotech

    Biotech second edition (for GURPS 4th edition) has magic, steampunk and horror as well as science fiction. Of the two sample settings, one is set in the Med. Sea during the first century (about 20 AD). Most of the biotech for it is cloning and species chimeras (human/chimp). It also has...
  2. D

    What's your favorite trap?

    I also like places that are alien, not because of magic but because the laws of nature/physics are different (i.e. they can not be dispelled). Invisible portals between planes, places where verbal language don't work, areas that don't support intelligence (feeblemind or worse in effect) and...
  3. D

    What's your favorite trap?

    I have a couple. Fake traps, those that make the PCs dither and waste time. Is the green gas the villain released lethal? No, it is a very cheap knock off meant to allow some escape time. The chessboard that does nothing (how I hate those traps). The lever that makes creaking noises but nothing...
  4. D

    Thinking up Signs of the Apocalypse in my Campaign

    The darkness in men's hearts transform into imps, tear their way out and start to sabotage the works of man. They reduce everything they touch into protomatter, the stuff of the Far Realm. The protomatter itself spreads slowly, consuming anything that touches it (a human could take weeks to...
  5. D

    Thinking up Signs of the Apocalypse in my Campaign

    How is your rage different from the Blood Moon?
  6. D

    Alien Races - Which Ones Equal Pure Awesome?

    Check out the Primal Urge races here: Sources of Content by Book - The Grand OGL Wiki Some of them are very easy to give a science fiction vibe (such as the two parasites and the psionic dragonflies). As for actual aliens, for the Star*Drive setting, there is a supplement entitled Externals...
  7. D

    Wisdom from the Wastelands #8: Diseases and Medical Options

    Sorry about the double thread. Chris usually does it and I will leave it to him for future releases.
  8. D

    Wisdom from the Wastelands #8: Diseases and Medical Options

    Skirmisher Releases ‘Wisdom from the Wastelands #8: Diseases & Medical Options’ Skirmisher Publishing LLC is proud to announce the release of Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #8: Diseases & Medical Options! This publication is authored by Derek Holland and Chris Van Deelen, authors of multiple...
  9. D

    Wisdom from the Wastelands #7: Planar Creatures and concepts

    Could I get some feedback on it?
  10. D

    Adventure Time & D&D

    I have watched all of them* and there are many references to D&D. Providing stats for Finn is easy- he is a 2nd or 3rd level fighter. Jake is harder with his unlimited use of alter self (with a bit of shape change). Some times he acts as an older brother and sometimes as an idiot dog. I would...
  11. D

    Wisdom from the Wastelands #7: Planar Creatures and concepts

    Here you go: Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #7: Planar Creatures & Concepts - Skirmisher Publishing | RPGNow.com
  12. D

    Wisdom from the Wastelands #7: Planar Creatures and concepts

    As the author of this issue, I want to point out that even though the monsters and mutations are for Mutant Future (and easy to convert to most clones), the energies are generic. Gate spells are always used to bring in creatures. Why not use them for more? Alien energies can be used for all...
  13. D

    Do fantasy RPGs have to be fantasical?

    I am the exact opposite. If I wanted to play historical games, then I would look for those. To me low fantasy is weird- people will try to use magic in every way possible (even if it was tainted or otherwise dangerous). Something you might want to keep in mind is cost. The merchant who wants...
  14. D

    The Book of Familiars

    How extensive are the rules for symbiotic familiars? How many examples are given?
  15. D

    Your Magic Is Killing Us

    http://alternityrpg.net/onlineforums/index.php?showtopic=3085 118 posts on the subject. My personal favorite is the 3/10/08 post: Fire magic = global heating is so obvious, I will leave it at that. Earthquake spells actually release so much energy from the plate boundries, the core is...