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Recent content by Dirk Nightbreese

  1. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    Hey Fellas, many apologies on dropping off, I see everything has run down in my absence. Thanks for playing and good luck!
  2. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc; apologies on the lag, I'm ready to make some headway! IC: The quartet made their way behind the purposeful human, the pair of goblinoids making a daunting pair of warriors, while an oddly constructed warforged brought up the rear. As luck would have it one of the miraculous bolt trains...
  3. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc; you could always rent horses from Orien: put down a fee here and then deliver them safely to 1st tower. a bolt rail would also be very quick, 1st tower is the 1st stop outside of Sharn. let me know what y'all are deciding and we'll do that.
  4. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    As Jehen moves out into the crowds to begin her quick fishing trip for information, 4B wanders about the bazzar like square the group had been dropped off in searching for a place that may be able to repair his damage. The two hobgoblins stand together with stout assurance, very ready to test...
  5. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc; good plan, i'll wait for the others to chime in; even if you don't have the crunchy skills, fluffy writing is almost as good some times, now's the opportunity for role playing! ;) just let me know who is doing what.
  6. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    Emerging back into the overcast Sharn day, rain falls at a drizzle though the windy docks causes drops of the spitting weather to immediately cover the group. The muck and grime of battle and underground exploration seems to melt off of 4B's metallic body as the rest of the group simply becomes...
  7. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc: woot! fame & glory are mine!
  8. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc; if the group wants to take a sky cab to the closest gate that will grant passage to 1st tower, that's fine. let me know which method the group wants to take to get there.
  9. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    Gathering the group together, as well as the loot they've amassed so far, the heroes take their leave from the mud caves, as both Raekz and Jehen remember reading something about some grand councilor's deputy making a symbolic farewell upon a diplomatic trip to Thrane in the North. The Halfling...
  10. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc; okay, that's 1 vote for pushing ahead, it seems. What do the other three think? Also, if your pc is not trained in any of the knowledge skillz, a straight up Int check is also okay.
  11. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    The dank tunnels and caves, the obvious hideout for the band of criminals who robbed the Sivis message station, stand quiet and dark now. Only the group's animated and lit presence causes any distrubance. Unsure of their direction and what the clues they've encovered might mean, one thing is...
  12. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc; sorry for the absence, had a horrible sinus cold all last week! yuck! Arrayed about the solid obstruction of steel separating them from the mysterious half elf still contained within, Jehen, Raekz, and 354B puzzle over this new development. The shorter hobgoblin approaches the new...
  13. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    As the group rights themselves, creeping out of their respective positions, the half elf sports a devious smirk upon his lightly bearded face and steps towards the entrance. Jehen begins to move towards the opening, intent upon the cell as 4B stoutly brings up the rear, the now wounded Raekz...
  14. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    Clattering and sparking like some possessed demon fence, the grated cell door plows down the hallway. Nimbly leaping to the side, Jehen easily folds her body into a seemingly waaaaay too small fold in the wall, protecting her from the brunt of the attack as the inquisitive simply gets peppered...
  15. D

    DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

    ooc; sorry for the silence! Holidays have been cwwwwazy! he he... go Horsie power!! Jehen's expertly crafted plan goes into effect, the Arcane Inquisitive easily able to cast the magic from the scroll; though the etheral steed that appears within the very cramped tunnel is extremely thin and...