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Recent content by dammitbiscuit

  1. dammitbiscuit

    Are there any free-to-the-public samples of Wolfgang Baur's work?

    So there are two 3rd party authors for 5e's first big adventures. Awesome! WotC's in-house adventure writers don't generally measure up to 3pp offerings. However, I'm not familiar with those authors yet, myself. Are there any adventures written by them (maybe something for worldwide game day?)...
  2. dammitbiscuit

    Treadmill Removal

    Hm, I was only planning to remove the increases to d20 rolls, so that there's always a decent chance to hit and a decent chance to miss against any level target. But that thread has an interesting take on making combat as light and fast as everything else, by essentially making it a skill...
  3. dammitbiscuit

    Treadmill Removal

    Back when I last played, Inherent Bonuses were still a hot topic. Some loved them, some hated them. And some other folks realized "Hey - if we're doing all this work of giving players +1 to +6 bonuses that are either Magic or Inherent, and also everyone is taking Expertise just to make sure they...
  4. dammitbiscuit

    [LPF] The Kidnappers' Trail

    Did Ioseph already open the door? If he did, I do the following. If he didn't, I ready an action to do the following when the door is open."Surrender, or be blown apart!" cries Bipper with a look of glee as he squishes two gobs of alchemical goop together. Smoke issues from the ball as it...
  5. dammitbiscuit

    Welcome to the Red Planet; Welcome to the next step on humanity's road to the stars.

    Correction: I misread a number. The rover doesn't go 90 mi/h, it goes 90 m/h. Still pretty rad for a rover. ;) http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/667372main_MSL%20EDL%20rev-2900.jpg
  6. dammitbiscuit

    Welcome to the Red Planet; Welcome to the next step on humanity's road to the stars.

    Roughly 60% of all Mars missions have failed due to one obstacle or another. Today was not one of those days. Humanity today has landed a mobile robotic science rover on the surface of mars. It can drive faster than most of us travel on the freeway. It can probe an Armadillo in less than one...
  7. dammitbiscuit

    Eberron + Dark Sun = Stargate. Discuss.

    Jeebus. This is exactly what I was talking about in another thread semi-recently. Standard linear forums like this give people a vehicle to beat people over the head with an idea. Even if the idea is good (having not played Spelljammer, I can't say one way or the other), over 46% of the posts...
  8. dammitbiscuit

    'World of Warcraft' Lost 1 Million Gamers in Three Months. Is It Over?

    That game is enjoyable when you have constant uptime - when you're a lock draining the HP you need to survive the next fight, a pally healing amid smashing face, etc. The long downtimes of travel and drinking/eating really expose the grind and the artificial barriers, though. Here's hoping with...
  9. dammitbiscuit

    IRC channel

    Here's a web-based way to join; no IRC client needed! https://client04.chat.mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.otherworlders.org%2Flpf It's quiet now, but this is like a snowman, or belief in the supernatural. It looks silly when only one or two people are doing it, but if we persevere and get a...
  10. dammitbiscuit

    Dragons of Autumn Twilight

    Leaving behind anyone who is being cautious or observant, Tas quickens his pace to go poke the roof, rubble and doorway with Uncle Trapspringer's Hoopak. OOC: Search checks in the order shown above, until and unless an enemy appears or ally stops him.
  11. dammitbiscuit

    Myths and Legends of E'n

    Incidentally, I'd love to see all the setting fluff in one place somewhere. Wiki format, and the resultant hopping from page to page, is not conducive to immersion in the same way reading through a setting book is.
  12. dammitbiscuit

    Equipment Clarification

    "Use a scorp whip as a whip" and "plus disarm, reach, and trip IF you are proficient with whips" means the same thing. They're all just different ways to couch the same idea in confusing language. I.E., if you are proficient with whips, scorpwhips have all the same functionality as a whip.
  13. dammitbiscuit

    Proposal: Wayangs

    I've always found the +4 for stealth to be o'ermassive, in 3.5 as well as here, and tends to encourage players of Small races to always take advantage of it. That said, not getting a Str penalty makes it a very interesting race for a small barbarian, TWF ranger, fighter, or magus - trade a...
  14. dammitbiscuit

    D20 Burlesque Performs at Gen Con Indy Kickstarter Project

    This sounds a lot more entertaining and a lot less exploitative than the "hey gamer ladies, we would like to use your bodies as bait for our project" thing. Hope everyone involved here is having fun and being treated fairly!