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Recent content by Chronikoce

  1. Chronikoce

    D&D 3E/3.5 PF/3.5 Need help with ideas for one-shot horror session

    I think he may have been commenting on my plans for the group. I ended up using a combination of ideas and putting it all together. They actually enjoyed the evening so much that they want to know more and have plans to try and find a way back to where they were taken. The entire event happened...
  2. Chronikoce

    d20 DM wants to try Hackmaster and needs Advice

    The new edition. I know my groups preferences would not extend to a game with as much Parody as the original Hackmaster.
  3. Chronikoce

    d20 DM wants to try Hackmaster and needs Advice

    I have been playing and DMing for 3.5 D&D and Pathfinder for about 4 years now. I picked up the Hackmaster PHB and the Hacklopedia of Beasts. I really want to run a campaign for my group but they are all relatively new players who have just learned the d20 system. I could really use some...
  4. Chronikoce

    D&D 3E/3.5 PF/3.5 Need help with ideas for one-shot horror session

    Thanks for the ideas Blackseed, I like the idea about the clothing or items given to the players taken control over them if they wear them. I can turn up the creepy by having scared little children be the ones giving their favorite PC a bracelet or some token of friendship and if they wear this...
  5. Chronikoce

    D&D 3E/3.5 PF/3.5 Need help with ideas for one-shot horror session

    I am planning to do a Horror session in the ongoing campaign for my D&D group. We meet on Fridays and I can't pass up this chance to mess with them terribly. They are currently on a damaged riverboat which they plan on taking down river and I figure the easiest segue is that the night is foggy...
  6. Chronikoce

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    I cannot believe it is finally over. Thank you for continuing until the end and an even bigger thank you to your players for sticking with a game for so many years so that such an amazing story could unfold. I can't wait for some free time so that I can read through StevenAC's awesome...
  7. Chronikoce

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    That bit actually sent a shiver through me. I still can't believe I found such an amazing story on an RPG forum. I cannot thank this group and Sagiro especially for taking the time to write this all up. Truly awesome.
  8. Chronikoce

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Woo an update! I would be having serious withdrawals but I stumbled across Spyscribe's Halmae story hour and have been reading through the PDF's done by StevenAC. Between you two I am inspired to start taking better notes of the sessions I DM on the off chance I ever decide to try writing it all up.
  9. Chronikoce

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Well then, my email alerts from Enworld appear to be failing me. I checked back into find 3 updates and was quite surprised. Clicked your link Sagiro and enjoyed the read, can't wait to read what happens next!
  10. Chronikoce

    Pathfinder 1E Far Realms inspired campaign. Thoughts and Suggestions appreciated!

    That is a really cool idea. I especially like the aspect where they slowly increase and apply various strange or beneficial effects. Very flavorful and should be fun to watch them try and figure out what is going on. One way to reduce on the cliche is to make them formless early on. Instead of...
  11. Chronikoce

    Pathfinder 1E Far Realms inspired campaign. Thoughts and Suggestions appreciated!

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I could effect Arcane Magic users in some way? I don't want it to seem arbitrary but is there any lore that exists where arcane users would experience odd effects? Maybe someone like the spells start having unpredictable effects (wrong element, targets the wrong...
  12. Chronikoce

    Pathfinder 1E Far Realms inspired campaign. Thoughts and Suggestions appreciated!

    That sounds interesting. I'll try and hunt down a few of those books to get a better idea of what the far realms embodies. paradox42 That paladin link didn't work for me. I'll try again tomorrow because I'll never say no to a glance at awesome NPC's that I can then shamelessly model my own...
  13. Chronikoce

    Pathfinder 1E Far Realms inspired campaign. Thoughts and Suggestions appreciated!

    @the Jester That is a really cool idea having them quest for maintaining their power. Would definitely help with the middle of the campaign where I am having some trouble with figuring out how to level them up.
  14. Chronikoce

    Pathfinder 1E Far Realms inspired campaign. Thoughts and Suggestions appreciated!

    Kinak you hit the nail on the head. I am shooting to convey to the PC's that the situation is so incredibly dire that the gods are not only too busy to provide the power, they are allowing/encouraging the evil beings to fill in for them. I could see Vecna, or maybe one of the Chaotic good gods...
  15. Chronikoce

    Pathfinder 1E Far Realms inspired campaign. Thoughts and Suggestions appreciated!

    I am not familiar with those sourcebooks. What sort of material do they have? Is it sort of like the dreamland stuff from Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan or a different dreamscape?