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Recent content by Chaldfont

  1. Chaldfont

    D&D 4E 4E Disease and Sickness Collection

    I needed two for an upcoming encounter in a mushroom forest. One is what happens when you inhale spores from a puffball. Puffball Spore Infection, Level 7 Disease +10 vs Fortitude 0. Cured 1. Initial State: Target takes a -2 penalty to attacks 2. Target loses one healing surge that cannot be...
  2. Chaldfont

    Gencon 2009 Indy

    I'll be there. I'm going to run a crapton of games since I didn't run any last year. We were just talking about Gen Con the other day as we walked down to the Ram for lunch, only to find out it was closed due to a gas leak. It sure looks different down there now that the dome has been demolished.
  3. Chaldfont

    REVIEW: TSR Mail Order Hobby Shop Catalog--Summer/Fall 1986 Edition. :)

    Those monster cards rocked--a bunch of monsters my players had never seen, along with great color illustrations to show them. Nothing freaks out a hard core D&D player like going up against a monster whose stats they don't know. "What the hell's a thri-kreen!? Oh crap!"
  4. Chaldfont

    Thunderspire Labyrinth

    I'm preparing for my next session of TL. I started to get concerned about the amount of treasure in the adventure. So I added everything up. It comes up about right, although the gold count is a bit high (but within ~1000 gp). I expect not every party will take all the quests or find all of the...
  5. Chaldfont

    Discussion of DMG page 42

    Another trick is to add Encounter Powers to the actual encounter that anyone can use (including the bad guys). If you have time to prepare, you can toss it out on an index card and let everyone know that anyone can use it but once it's used, the card comes off the table. A logical next step is...
  6. Chaldfont

    How do you handle a missing player

    I love the elaborate explanation method. I put it to the group: Why is so-and-so not here this session? Last week we had two players out. We said that they decided to find a way to flank the encounter and attack from the rear and got lost. We won't know what happened to them until the next...
  7. Chaldfont

    Thunderspire Labyrinth

    Last night's game was great. We finished up the last encounter in the Chamber of Eyes. Our ranger used Thunder Tusk Boar Strike on a table the bad guys were using for cover and flipped it over their heads. I had some bad guys shove a table at the warforged fighter only to have the fighter hack...
  8. Chaldfont

    Thunderspire Labyrinth

    This makes me really look forward to 6:00pm, which is when we start up our next session and will likely reach the Horned Hold tonight. The beard quills are great. It invokes that player WTF?! that is the whole reason I'm a DM. I had one of these guys come around the back of the party and do...
  9. Chaldfont

    Thunderspire Labyrinth

    I've been running this for a several sessions now. My players just cleaned out the Chamber of Eyes. I've got a group of 6 players (with two clerics!) so they are pretty much mopping up the place. I'm thinking about beefing up the encounters with extra bad guys, but I don't want the encounters...
  10. Chaldfont

    Gaming and Your Significant Other

    My wife's not a gamer. I always joke that she's a closet gamer, since she loves Lord of the Rings, Conan movies and Harry Potter. She'll play Magic the Gathering, Puerto Rico and Carcassonne, though. She kicks my ass at Carcassonne.
  11. Chaldfont

    How Many Beers per Gaming Session?

    My vote of none is due to the fact that my current game takes place in a gaming cafe that does not serve alcohol. My last campaign took place in my basement, where my DM chair was within reach of the homebrew keg my players pitched in to buy me for Christmas. So that was more like 2-3 per session.
  12. Chaldfont

    Model my MacGuffin: Greed Focus

    I like it. I love it when players have to make hard choices like that. I was thinking also of using something like the diseases in the DMG but with Wisdom or Insight checks. Characters would lose healing surges and not get them back until they had obtained a certain amount of treasure. Of...
  13. Chaldfont

    3rd ed items in a 4th Ed World? - challenge

    I was bummed when I saw the potion list for 4e. So for my new campaign I came up with some of my own. There's an NPC named Salvatore the Saucerer who makes magical sauces. They act like potions. Drink one and it grants use of a power. It counts toward the magic item daily use limit but otherwise...
  14. Chaldfont

    Model my MacGuffin: Greed Focus

    The MacGuffin in my campaign is a gold mug, a magical artifact that radiates extreme feelings of greed in all intelligent creatures within one day's ride. The owner of the mug is especially afflicted, throwing away all concerns except the meaningless accumulation of wealth. The PCs are about to...
  15. Chaldfont

    First time going to GenCon- need advice/tips/etc.

    GENCON!!!!! There are tons of great places to eat in downtown Indy. The Ram, of course, is a place you must go. They cater to the gamers. I had lunch there today and the servers are already talking about it. They usually brew up a special beer just for the con. They wouldn't tell me today what...