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Recent content by Caliber

  1. C

    D&D 4E Running player commentary on PCat's 4E Campaign - Heroic tier (finished)

    Maybe not rules correct, but this is how I've always played it too, treating everyone else as "blind" in re: the invisible person. Makes it a lot easier to get off those stealth checks.
  2. C

    DnD Encounters

    Heh, for the record, we are using home made characters. Without having studied the pregens too closely, I was wondering if they were maybe stronger characters than the ones we came up with! :p
  3. C

    DnD Encounters

    Our DM is something of a dice rolling power house. He's also an exceptionally skilled DnD Minis player, so there is certainly the possibility of a tactical misalignment between the two sides of the table. I'm surprised no one else is reporting any challenge here though; my group is getting our...
  4. C

    DnD Encounters

    Party generally hovers around 6, although the composition has changed with people quitting in frustration and new people coming in. Our GM is scaling encounters for party size as far as I'm aware; without reading the modules I assume he is doing it correctly. Are most groups Leader heavy? I'm...
  5. C

    DnD Encounters

    So is anyone else playing Encounter on here? Anyone else finding said encounters mind blowingly, soul crushingly difficult? My group just wiped on the plant encounter (DM called it Wizard's Lab?) for the second time. And this is after another wipe to the weird far realm face hugger things, and...
  6. C

    [DDI] Droid Accessible Compendium

    Unfortunately, the device known as the "droid" is actually a family of devices and OS versions. My issues are on a Droid Eris running Android 1.5. Later version may correct it, but until they roll out the OS upgrade or I buy a new phone, even Opera Mini won't let me run Compendium. :( Good...
  7. C

    [DDI] Droid Accessible Compendium

    Hello everyone! As the owner of a nice shiny Droid Eris, I was disappointed to find that the Compendium doesn't seem to work in any of the browsers I have available to me, nor is there an app to search it. So, possessing some programmatic muscles myself, I figured I'd go ahead and write an...
  8. C

    Magic Item Daily Attack Question

    So, frex, look at something like the Mordant Weapon (DDI sub required) that has a property like this: Does this attack get the magical plus of the weapon added to it? It doesn't have the Weapon keyword ... but it seems strange to not get the bonus of the weapon when explicitly utilizing the...
  9. C

    Revised Monk Available in Compendium

    :eek: Holy guacamole! Double weapons are now considered two seperate weapons! :eek::eek::eek:
  10. C

    Character Builder Updating & Macs

    i actually use Windows XP with Parallels (v3, dunno if that makes a diff ...) and have no problems. So there's another data point for you. :)
  11. C

    Targetting what you can't see

    I hope this question receives an easy answer, but I'm not so sure ... Since the Stealth errata my group has generally had a bit of a rough spot whenever the Blind condition turned up. Based on the interpretation we've been using, being Blind gave all enemies Total Concealment from you. That is...
  12. C

    The fragility of heroic-tier characters

    We usually play for 3 to 4 hours, tending to the 3 hour side more so than the 4 hour side. I would guess two combat type encounter and some role play is a usual session, which would make 15~18 roughly appropriate for a three level stretch I guess. I'd guess we average 4 to 6 session a level...
  13. C

    The fragility of heroic-tier characters

    Holy cow guys. Are we even playing the same dang game? My group just finished up Pyramid of Shadows this Wednesday and here is an email the DM sent out after wards: Followed by: Note only the smart wizard actually lived. The other three in the longest standing group were picked off at...
  14. C

    Question about ranger's powers from Verdant Silence (Dragon 377)

    Yeah, the ability to slide the extra squares is mostly going to be useless. If you were somehow Large, it wouldn't be terrible, but I'm not sure how you can even be Large in 4E (on a mount?) How about if you were somehow wielding two Reach weapons (possible in 4E?) I'm still not sure this power...
  15. C

    Hybrid mixes?

    I created a pretty fun looking Feylock|Chaladin that I'd like to use. Focused on ranged attacks (I think his Paladin at-will was his only melee ability); the idea was to Mark at range then attack using Warlock abilities, maybe even going invisible with Eyebite. Make it a hassle to get to me, but...