• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Caerdwyn

  1. Caerdwyn

    WotC The other snake in the grass: the Wizards Fan Content Policy

    Do we have rights to use WotC's intellectual property? Factually, if you bought your D&D books, or are using the SRD 5.1 under its Creative Commons status, YES. Not unlimited, i.e. falsely implying endorsement, or some trademark uses, or to deceive, but otherwise very, very broadly. Can we use...
  2. Caerdwyn

    WotC The other snake in the grass: the Wizards Fan Content Policy

    More interested in ensuring that the people who have been fighting the OGL changes aren't assuming that it's all clear. I don't believe it is, and I see the FCP as something that a lawyer seeking additional billable hours might try to leverage, or that an exec believing they have nothing to lose...
  3. Caerdwyn

    WotC The other snake in the grass: the Wizards Fan Content Policy

    To those telling me to be silent: I rather think I shall not. We got into this trouble precisely because the OGL was taken on trust for 21 years only to have it used as a tool of betrayal. Prior to late last year, it could have been said with equal validity "I'm not aware of WotC messing with...
  4. Caerdwyn

    WotC The other snake in the grass: the Wizards Fan Content Policy

    tl;dr there's another Wizards document out there that needs to be stamped out. A heads-up to all who have been following the Open Game License debacle... pay attention to the OTHER potential problem: the Fan Content Policy. https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/fancontentpolicy Yes...
  5. Caerdwyn

    Why We Should Work With WotC

    Even if D&D mechanics were somehow patentable (an assertion I do not concede), it's far too late for that. The public disclosure grace period of one year, and the patent duration of 20 years, has seen to that. Patents are off the table, whether by applicability or by calendar. All that leaves is...
  6. Caerdwyn

    D&D 5E Which D&D books currently scheduled for 2023 are you interested in?

    That... has become a complicated question. Before the insertion of foot-into-mouth in Providence I would have said "Planescape" without hesitation. But now, unless something changes so drastically that I cannot even foresee as possible, "none of the above".
  7. Caerdwyn

    D&D 5E Thumbing my nose at the OGL: Here's a free 5e adventure, "The Dragon's Rest Inn"

    Deep in the woods along the seldom-used Old Way lies the ruins of the Dragon’s Rest Inn. The Inn was destroyed decades ago by the orcs of the Seventh Blood Frenzy. In the aftermath, other roads longer but much safer were built, skirting the woods and their dangers. Nobody wanted to take the risk...
  8. Caerdwyn

    Why We Should Work With WotC

    I must strongly disagree. Hasbro is trying to revoke and claim ownership of rights that it never actually owned. They cannot copyright, patent or trademark game mechanics; that's settled law with cases going all the way to the top. They cannot copyright the rules systems in the SRD, only the...