• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Bumamgar

  1. B

    D&D 5E Why is Hoard of the Dragon Queen such a bad adventure?

    As a DM for this adventure, my biggest complaint is the lack of information about the various NPCs and their plans / motivations or even common locations. The massive typos, poor maps and inconsistent information due to the changing ruleset are forgivable. Giving misleading, inconsistent and...
  2. B

    D&D 5E Character play vs Player play

    I tend to use character skills and attributes as a way to enhance the player's ability to solve the puzzles they encounter. For example, I ran a group through a 5e conversion of the Ghost Tower of Inverness. In the chessboard room, the players were fairly stumped, so I asked for an...
  3. B

    D&D 5E World creation in D&D 5e

    I've had an idea for a custom world for quite some time now, and with the advent of 5e I feel inspired to finally knuckle down and work on it. Also, since we live in the age of the internet, I've decided to blog about the process. I've never done a blog before, so this should be interesting :)...
  4. B

    D&D 5E DM purposely gimping my Warlock

    This whole thread makes me really appreciate the people I play D&D with. My players never try to abuse the rest rules or whine about how a class has been 'gimped' because the world is a dangerous place and rests can be rare in the middle of adventuring. Of course there's an eb and a flow to...
  5. B

    D&D 5E Forgotton Realms Canon?

    I do think it would be nice if they provided a one-pager outlining the results of the Sundering in broad strokes. Confirmation on which gods are now alive or dead and what their portfolios and relationships are. A general overview of the current geography now that Abeir and Toril have split...
  6. B

    D&D 5E Greyhawk?

    While I always enjoyed the Forgotten Realms more than Greyhawk, I know part of the appeal, to me at least, was that nearly all of the classic modules were set in Greyhawk, and as someone who constantly uses that content (I just converted White Plume Mountain to 5e for example), it is nice to be...
  7. B

    D&D 5E Forgotton Realms Canon?

    The FG pantheon is outlined in the back of the PHB. I would presume this is the updated post-Sundering pantheon. It certainly includes several formerly 'dead' gods such as Bane and Mystra. Does it go into the detail that the 2e Faiths and Avatars + Powers and Pantheons, or the 3.5e Faiths and...
  8. B

    D&D 5E What's a wizard to do?

    Really, 2 hours and 50gp a level is 'too harsh'? And half that if it's from your specialty school... Worst case, a full day (18 hours) to copy a 9th level spell into your book? I guess if you find a ton of scrolls that are all new and not from your specialty school, you might need a week to...
  9. B

    D&D 5E What's a wizard to do?

    First off, combat is just one of the three pillars of D&D. You are playing a diviner, perhaps your power lies within the other two pillars? In both of the campaigns I run, the wizard has been quite effective. In fact, in our solo campaign, my wife is considering having her next party be a...
  10. B

    5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain 1

    Attached are the conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain, including 5e versions of all new magic items as well as a new monster, the Kelpie.
  11. B

    5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain - 5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain

    Attached are the conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain, including 5e versions of all new magic items as well as a new monster, the Kelpie.
  12. B

    5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain - 5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain

    Attached are the conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain, including 5e versions of all new magic items as well as a new monster, the Kelpie.
  13. B

    5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain - 5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain

    Attached are the conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain, including 5e versions of all new magic items as well as a new monster, the Kelpie.
  14. B

    5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain - 5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain

    Attached are the conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain, including 5e versions of all new magic items as well as a new monster, the Kelpie.
  15. B

    5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain - 5e conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain

    Attached are the conversion notes for S2 - White Plume Mountain, including 5e versions of all new magic items as well as a new monster, the Kelpie.