• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by BSGTony

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    Kickstarter Dungeon-X, the perfect fusion of 3D printing and paper crafting

    A truly cost-effective, print-yourself dungeon that is spectacular but doesn't require any additional painting work and you can set it up in no time! Don't fail your saving throw, click here to back it now! Only 3 days left! Download the free set from the description and try it out! Thanks...
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    Free 3D print your own phone animated portals! - Calling Portals by Black Scrolls Games

    We are in the final hours! Don't miss them out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/532839686/calling-portals?ref=atb17u These are the portals you will receive currently:
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    Free 3D print your own phone animated portals! - Calling Portals by Black Scrolls Games

    This is our newest project, we designed several 3D printable teleport gates, portals, and interactive terrain pieces. We are planning to make an app/html5 site where you can align the animation easily and touch the screen to end/start the animation. You can download a free portal from the...
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    Kickstarter [Kickstarter] City of Tarok: 3D printable medieval fantasy houses for 5e and other RPGs

    City of Tarok is a project we wanted to make for years. We had plenty of experience as we create our maps in 3D and we also created many 3D printable miniatures. We thought, aside from modular sets, there are not many custom buildings on the market. We love creating small worlds like dioramas...
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