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Recent content by bostonmyk

  1. bostonmyk

    D&D General Beadle & Grimm's Matthew Lillard Launches D&D-themed Bourbon

    He always struck me as more of a weed guy but guess we're all more refined since the 90s. Looking forward to the first reviews. I got burned badly by Red Sox wines some time ago. I still have a Manny Ramirez 2008ish if it isn't paint-thinner by now. Mike
  2. bostonmyk

    D&D (2024) Gold & Other Treasure (Can we get off the treadmill?)

    In my campaigns, treasure ties into slowing progression a good deal which helps make narrative sense (Ha!) of long campaigns covering a character's lifespan, etc. It buys them time to do all the other things they want to do other than adventure etc. With some, it buys time to live the good life...
  3. bostonmyk

    Dragonlance: Dragons of Fate Review

    Just finished, and I'm on the same page with everybody else. The book is better than DoD but still shallower than I'd like. I kind of feel hosed with many of the scenes at how hand-wavy quick things seem to play out. Big examples are the hunter subplot, the spy, Magius's chumpy ending, and...
  4. bostonmyk

    Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants Review

    Fantastic review and B+ is about where I am with it. Mike
  5. bostonmyk

    RPG Evolution: The Sea Peoples Campaign

    Good book by Erik H Cline on this. https://www.amazon.com/1177-B-C-Civilization-Collapsed-Revised-ebook/dp/B08KKTCS22?ref_=ast_author_dp Mike
  6. bostonmyk

    D&D 5E Sorcerer experiment - your thoughts?

    I'd play a character like this single, solo but not within a group. The problem is some of the risk is being taken on by the group rather than just the sorcerer. Even if you delete the friendly fire impacts-a sorcerer that goes poof leaves the group one short. M
  7. bostonmyk

    Case Studies in Intellectual Property: Dick Tracy

    I'm sure I liked the movie when it was released, but I've never had the desire to rewatch it or get curious about a sequel. The WB part of the story is a mixed bag. Is he using his fame and fortune to preserve art or to shape it into his sole vision? Beats me
  8. bostonmyk

    D&D General PETITION: Acknowledge Hasbro's hurtful content (Black orcs, Asian yellow orcs, Native American red orcs)—through an Amendatory Bundle [+ thread]

    My approach is not to buy it. I definitely applaud the spirit behind the petition, but given recent events, I don't expect them to do the right thing without some $ power pushing it. M
  9. bostonmyk

    Ginny Di interviews WotC's Kyle Brink

    Ginny D really did a great job with the interview and video. Not so subtle of a reminder to myself to not be so judgy about streamers. I hope they're paying Kyle well to be put through the PR paddle machine like this. Mike
  10. bostonmyk

    What Podcasts are you listening too? The Golden Age of Podcasting Edition

    Outside TTRPG stuff: Dan Carlin's Hardcore History and Hardcore History Addendum Fall of Civilizations: Long-form history podcast similar to above but covers cultures and eras that normally don't get covered. Dead Robot's Society: Two-Three writers bs'ing about doing their thing. Raw and funny...
  11. bostonmyk

    It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.

    Forgiveness is as good for the mind and moving forward. I'm doing it for me way more than for the corporation. Mike
  12. bostonmyk

    WotC Backs Down: Original OGL To Be Left Untouched; Whole 5E Rules Released as Creative Commons

    Well that's some good Friday news for a change. Not looking at anything else! Mike
  13. bostonmyk

    DnD Shorts final video

    My take on all of this is to wait and see what really develops. We don't need to immediately know and act on any of this yet other than not to be careless with survey answers. I think his recovery was fine, and he's showing he's a good person (or at least smart) by bailing out. The streamer...
  14. bostonmyk

    D&D 5E Getting Rid of Variable Weapon Damage- An Immodest Proposal

    Variable for sure. Certain kinds of lettuce appears to have been screaming when it got the chop. Just saying.. If it models the same thing, The model needs to be easy to use and remember as the model it is replacing. Mike
  15. bostonmyk

    OGL 1.2 survey is now live

    Done. Gave it honest time and measured responses, but I did want to pound in "Just do the right thing idjuts!" into every textbox.