• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Badabing

  1. B

    TSR Elf Stranded on the Warden: A Short Gary Gygax Story

    Wasn't Ombi the Dwarf originally a Gary PC?
  2. B

    TSR Elf Stranded on the Warden: A Short Gary Gygax Story

    Wasn't Ombi the Dwarf originally a Gary PC?
  3. B

    D&D General Gamer Stats From White Dwarf in the 80s

    Could be Golden Heroes - a Game Workshop super hero rpg
  4. B

    Do you still use your 3.0 books?

    Our group never went to 3.5 as it seemed a waste of money - better to wait for 4.0.
  5. B

    It's here, Secular Games Stat Block Recorder

    Press release was a little early, now available at: http://enworld.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=21232&
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    What are your 5 most used 3-D prop mini's/tiles?

    Our group mostly uses dice for any important non-mini feature.
  7. B

    What's your screen name from?

    A mage PC of mine - and he's still going strong
  8. B

    D&D 4E DnD 4E DOA?

    The group I play with are still using 3ed, everyone's happy with the version and we're all agreed that the costs aren't worth it. We'll probably switch when there's a proper upgrade though.
  9. B

    Races of Destiny: Buying/Bought?

    I've cut down on buying Wizards books unless they REALLY catch my eye. It seems that these days it takes at least four books to cover a topic that one did in 1st Ed.
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    How many Dragon Magazine articles do you normally read each month on average?

    I've just cancelled by subscription after putting it off for at least a year. It was hard to do as I've been getting Dragon since issue #80 but enough is enough - I was skimming through then putting on the shelf. Apart from a half-dozen or so articles since 3ed started (not incuding new...