• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Asmor

  1. Asmor

    Any interest in an Eberron Adventure Path (1-20)?

    Getting quoted 10 years later is a weird feeling. I don't remember any of this, don't even remember feeling this way about Eberron.
  2. Asmor

    D&D 5E Help direct EN5ider! Which articles have you enjoyed?

    This is a choose-one poll, but it feels like it should be a multiple choice. FWIW, I prefer articles with new rules systems that I can integrate into my game (stuff like the herbalism, archery contests, and player pets). I would also love to see more articles giving new or expanded class...
  3. Asmor

    Thinking of building an online toolset - opinions on how I'm thinking of dividing pay version from free version wanted.

    Clearing cache actually doesn't clear localstorage. The biggest issue you'll run into is that people are going to want to access their stuff from different devices, and you can't do that with localstorage. There are other options, though. If you make it an extension for Chrome, you can use...
  4. Asmor

    Looking for build instructions.

    That's the box that the decks for the World of Warcraft card game used to come in. I don't think they're made anymore, but I could be wrong. Great idea, though, if you can get your hands on one. EDIT: Actually, it looks like the old ones are still available reasonably cheap. Here's one for...
  5. Asmor

    Are RPGs Watchable?

    No. Then again, neither are board games, video games, or sports. I don't understand why people watch other people playing games. It makes no sense to me.
  6. Asmor

    Draft chase rules

    This is good feedback, and something I was thinking about myself (although I never actually really even thought of Con... I was more trying to consider what situation would warrant a strength check, but not an athletics check). I really like the idea of using con for the open ground location...
  7. Asmor

    Draft chase rules

    I picked up the Pathfinder chase cards, with an eye to using them in a 5th edition game. The conversion doesn't seem like it'd be too difficult (probably want to reduce the scaling of DCs), but what I really figured out from looking at them was that I wanted something meatier. So I've come up...
  8. Asmor

    D&D 5E 5th edition Monster Manual: I think the really nice art detracts from the mediocre functionality of the book.

    Say you want the Goblin Boss w/lair to be a CR 2. Check the 'Custom' source box. Search for 'CR 2'. Add to encounter. Of course, if you absolutely need to have "Goblin Boss (in lair)" show up in your list, you can always fork it on Github and add it to your own local copy.
  9. Asmor

    D&D 5E what is the best class?

    To know what is the best class, we must first know what is best in life. To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women. Barbarian is empirically the best class.
  10. Asmor

    D&D 5E Monster List / Encounter Builder link

    Added experimental random encounter generation. Link for the lazy: http://asmor.com/5e/monsters You talking to me? Go nuts. :) The code's on github if you're interested. https://github.com/Asmor/5e-monsters
  11. Asmor

    D&D 5E Monster List / Encounter Builder link

    Not at all, I feel remiss that I didn't mention it here myself.
  12. Asmor

    D&D 5E Monster List / Encounter Builder link

    It's on the todo list. :)
  13. Asmor

    D&D 5E Monster List / Encounter Builder link

    No worries. I miss that kind of stuff all the time.
  14. Asmor

    D&D 5E Monster List / Encounter Builder link

    It's paginated, which was necessary for performance reasons. Pagination controls, including page size, are on top.
  15. Asmor

    D&D 5E Monster List / Encounter Builder link

    Also an ENWorld user named Asmor. :) But if you'd like to keep apprised of updates, subscribe to http://www.reddit.com/r/asmor