• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by adamc

  1. A

    D&D 4E D&D 4e Character Creator in Linux using Netflix-Desktop

    Yeah, you can use it in Firefox by installing Pipelight. Works for me, anyhow.
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    D&D 5E The new Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set - and online tools?

    I'm a 4e guy, but I don't see this as taking the place of OGL -- the big advantage of OGL (from my point of view) is that it enables the community to produce shareable content.
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    D&D 5E The new Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set - and online tools?

    I agree with what you are saying in general. I still think a reasonable character generation app is a must if they are going to have content (feats etc.) scattered across many books, if only because many of their potential 4e base will expect one. I might not absolutely refuse to DM a game...
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    D&D 5E So, 5e OGL

    I'm going to disagree with you here. Someone else doesn't always fill a market opportunity, any more than beneficial mutations necessarily show up in evolution at any particular time/place. It is entirely possible that if Paizo hadn't offered Pathfinder, a viable alternative would not have been...
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    D&D 5E So, 5e OGL

    That made me chuckle.
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    D&D 5E The Flumpf Is Back

    Hard to get worked up over this...
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    D&D 5E So, 5e OGL

    <peeve> Semantic distinctions are distinctions in meaning. I'm guessing you meant something different. </peeve> I agree with this, and it is a notable failing in 4e. Agree here too. Regardless of whether they were smart in offering the initial OGL, it is out now and they have to compete with it.
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    Now that 5E is imminent, what are your D&D plans?

    For the moment, we're sticking with 4e. When 5e is released, I'll re-evaluate. Things that might sway me: If it supports OGL or something close, that's a plus If there are good electronic tools for it, that would help a lot If there is an economical subscription model for electronic...
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    D&D 5E From what you've seen so far, do you think D&D Next will be a success or a failure?

    I chose "don't care", because right now it doesn't look likely I'll be playing it anytime soon -- campaign isn't likely to convert and we have a ways to go -- several years, probably. I think it will succeed at some level -- the question is whether it will be a mild success or a big one. I...
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    How Many Hours Do You Usually Spend in a Level?

    Our sessions are 4.5 - 5 hours long, usually 5-6 sessions. So 20-30 hours sounds right, probably closer to the upper end of the range.
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    I picked an answer (21-30%), but honestly, there is no answer. Portions of my campaign have featured dungeons/caverns (which are not the same) prominently, and other portions have not used them at all. Depends on the nature of the campaign, the campaign world you are describing, etc.
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    UI bar at the top

    Yes, I definitely prefer this version. Thanks!
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    What's a good fantasy mapping program?

    Dungeonographer is java-based, unfortunately. There have been too many Java security issues in web browsers...
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    UI bar at the top

    That's good to know. The developer will have more options available than mere styling. (With greasemonkey, we could too, but... I prefer to try to minimize changes to pages, since they will often break when the page changes.)