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WotC Hasbro gains big time from D&D, Magic, Monopoly, and Baldur's Gate 3

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A lot of people would rather to be a mouse's head before an elephant's tail. If you are the owner, you can choose what will be your next projects, but if your company is owner by other, then you are receiveng orders about what the next titles be, and as soon as possible.

Most of the time working in BG3 has been in the software, but now this only needs the updates. DLCs about new characters and stories, and some new monsters and cruch, shouldn't need so much time.

* If the heroes of Dragonlance would be collabs in no-D&D videogames then we shouldn't worry about the canon, and then we could see alternate version of the characters, for example a female Tas, or Raitslin with tribapunk tatoos on the face, or Kitiara wearing an armour with a Brom style.

* If Howard Legacy has been sold very well, how would be a videogame version of Stryxhaven? Maybe this could be an otome videogame with a lot of dating-sim.

* Bioware could be interested into a D&D licence but even if they wanted, now they are too busy with their last Dragon Age. Blizzard? Too busy with Diablo 4, Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft, and the public opinion is their old days of glory ended time ago. But WotC getting the licence of Warcraft to publish TTRPGs may be possible.

* Today WotC worries too much to create new PC species, not only about the power balance of traits but also to be an interesting concept, something more interesting than the creations by 3PPs or fans.

* If Hasbro wants to create new IPs, then Magic: the Gathering is working as "pilot episode". I don't say this to be wrong.

* I love speculations about mergers and acquisitions in the entertaiment industry, but this and the next will be a year with lots of troubles in the global economy. We can't know what is going to happen. Some surprises could be totally unexpected and unpredictible. For example Apple losing value because the Iphone12 in France are banned because the radiation is too high.


By that logic I'm long ago not the target market, yet I still enjoy much of what they produce. Not that I've ever gone in big on modules, but otherwise I haven't had an issue. Maybe I'm just really immature? Or maybe, just maybe grouping people by age demographic has a tendency to not have a lot of meaning for this type of product. Nah. I'm just immature. ;)
To me, this is the healthiest attitude to take as a fan. The realization that while the company is not really looking towards you for direction, it's still perfectly cool to like what it's producing.

Star Wars has made SOOO much bank off of that. Or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for that matter.

It's when people try to insist that THEY are or should be the target market and the company is going to rue the day that they stopped catering specifically to ME that things go so far off the rails.


That was unnecessarily snarky.
Possibly, but, it doesn't make it any less true.

The whole "OGL debacle" was a blip. It made zero difference. There was no great drop in D&D Beyond Subs. There was no drop in sales for WotC. For all the drama, it had basically zero impact.

The one thing that the OGL debacle did highlight is how little any of it mattered. For the people for whom it was important, it was a huge thing. For most of the fandom? They didn't even hear about it.

Crossover Gamma World-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?

* The market of board games doesn't too interesting, but if a franchise is easy to be adapted for a videogame for mobile or tablet, then the potential value is higher.

* If the next months will be very bad for the global economy, then the main goal for Hasbro should be the survival, or at least to find the right megacorporation to be acquired. Or said with other words, not it is not the best time to speculate about possible mergers or acquisitions. If some companyy with interesting IPs can't survive the economic crisis maybe Hasbro should hurry to acquire it before the rival, but it could be a risky movement.

* Have you watched any time machinima videos in youtube? For example of the Sims. Maybe a right tool in the D&D VTT could allow players to produce their "replay videos" to tell their adventures in campaigns. Or players using the tools of the game to create their own homemade (otome) "visual novels".

* Currently Paramount has got the licence of D&D, Transformers and G.I.Joe for action-live productions, and Netflix for Power Rangers and My Little Pony. Hasbro has got more "cards" to be played, but these aren't so famous and popular.

* There are more projects of D&D videogames besides BG3 and Dark Alliance, but if this hasn't worked so good, then they may change their strategy. Magic: Arena is making money, but the MMO was cancelled.

* There is a pack of skins of Transformers for Fortnite. I don't know the reasons to not be more about G.I.Joe.

* Avalon Hill is making money with the relaunch of Hero Quest because a new expansion has been published. I am surprised no more news about this brand. I wouldn't be surprised a licenced collab based in Link: Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy.


* Have you watched any time machinima videos in youtube? For example of the Sims. Maybe a right tool in the D&D VTT could allow players to produce their "replay videos" to tell their adventures in campaigns. Or players using the tools of the game to create their own homemade (otome) "visual novels".
I could see this actually becoming a thing. We already see Youtube live plays being retold as animation. If the new 3d VTT from WotC allows you to save things, there's quite a bit of potential there.

I mean, heck, lots of people will spend hours watching a couple of dorks play something like Super Bunny Man (as a totally random example. cough). A decently done live play where you are able to watch and hear things from various camera angles could attract a pretty decent audience.

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