• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Campaigns in a nutshell. Adventures in a sentence.

Mouse Maze The player characters are mice (perhaps it is a Bunnies and Burrows or Toon game, or a Call of Cthulhu game where they are rats with the faces of men). In any case, the PCs are mice and they are placed in an insanely overengineered maze filled with death traps and predators which has been built by a movie studio to test horror movie concepts

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The animals are acting strangely. It turns out that they're possessed and they're building something sinister and otherworldly outside the sight of humanity.

Their own Tower of Babel? A megalithic stone circle?

I was thinking more some kind of weird temple or some strange eldritch machine akin to the slime tunnels or spook central antenna from Ghostbusters, the pyramid from Pyramids or Khai of Ancient Khem, or the Icon of Sin from Doom 2, or any of the weird crap from the second part of Dusk.

Either that or some kind of off-color pun about the Great Race of Yith.

Or they're digging a hole into Hell
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Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat - The insanity causing properties of the objects and entities of the Cthulhu Mythos are a a result of the Great Race of Yith (and/or Yog-Sothoth and his minions) liking their privacy. As masters of time it is in their power to arrange things so humanity at large is fated to never learn their secrets. As a result events in general conspire for people to never encounter them, HOWEVER some coincidence always happens to discredit anyone who does stumble upon the secrets of the mythos, such as suffering from some damage or illness of the brain that renders them insane. The increasing world population as well as the proliferation of digital cameras and telecommunications technology means that they are more frequently seen, more frequently photographed, those photographs are more frequently shared before some coincidence can cause them to be lost, and more people have the resources at hand to deduce their existence. The result of all this is bizarre events of the past decade of so and the world's continued descent into choas and madness. Cut to the not too distant future, where in the waking world civilization is being torn apart by a pandemic of violent psychosis (akin the the start and end of the film In the Mouth of Madness) while at the same time Earth's dreamland is collapsing in on itself and Nyarlathotep reigns over it unfettered. This is the world in which the player characters find themselves, and there is no saving it, the arbiters of fate have already spoken. The most they can hope for is to survive as long as they can. At the very best they might help to attenuate total destruction into a mere fall into a new dark age or might escape through the collapsing dreamland to seek refuge witb the gods of Teloe (see The Crawling Chaos)

Blood Sacrifice- The PCs are vampire hunters. They are in Mexico or central america to hunt down the ancient vampires who were the secret puppetmasters behind the Aztec and Mayan religions.

Deathboat- Zombie virus outbreak on a cruise ship out at sea

Miscallaneous ideas:

*20000 Leagues Under the Sea, except in space

*Arthur Gordon Pym, except in space

*a cross between Ghostbusters and Pokemon. catching ghosts to fight other ghosts.
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The PCs are part of a traveling circus. The circus is a legit circus that entertains folk across the land. But it's also home to a group of mercenaries and thieves for hire, who do the job their boss finds as they travel. All sorts find their way here. We do the jobs and between PCs have a chance to address their own goals or issues.

The PCs are hired to covertly graffiti the name of the demon lord Pazuzu (which summons the demon lord if said aloud thrice and corrupts the speaker to chaos) all over the Shelves of Despond in Baator, where damned sould first arrive in Hell. (the intent being that some incoming souls may happen to read it aloud, thus both snatching them away from Baator and allowing Pazuzu to infiltrate Avernus without having to pass through the intervening planes


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
The PCs are hired to covertly graffiti the name of the demon lord Pazuzu (which summons the demon lord if said aloud thrice and corrupts the speaker to chaos) all over the Shelves of Despond in Baator, where damned sould first arrive in Hell. (the intent being that some incoming souls may happen to read it aloud, thus both snatching them away from Baator and allowing Pazuzu to infiltrate Avernus without having to pass through the intervening planes
This is very creative and hopefully fun.

Evil campaign where servants of vecna are sent to break the curses of the ravenloft darklords in hopes of destabilizing the demiplane of dread and taking down the dark powers, against whom vecna swore revenge. last step is an insincere reconciliation with kas, sealed with the return of his sword and the voluntary death of one of vecna's aspects, which all doesn't matter because kas and everyone else in ravenloft will be killed when the plane collapses

Voidrunner's Codex

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