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Critical Role Matt Mercer Speaks About The Wildemount Book

Matt Mercer posted on Reddit about the upcoming D&D setting book. "As the info seemed to leak a liiiiiiittle early yesterday, I just wanted to write something to reach out to the greater, non-critter DnD crowd regarding this book, what it means to me, and what I hope it means to you".

Matt Mercer posted on Reddit about the upcoming D&D setting book. "As the info seemed to leak a liiiiiiittle early yesterday, I just wanted to write something to reach out to the greater, non-critter DnD crowd regarding this book, what it means to me, and what I hope it means to you".

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Well now, it certainly looks like the cat’s out of the bag (and seemed to sneak out a LITTLE early, hehe)! I can’t express just how excited and honored I am to have been given the opportunity to bring my world to you all via the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount. D&D has been such an influential element of my life, of who I am, and to have contributed to it in this way is beyond words.

I’ve spent the better part of 1.5 years working on this project, along with some incredible contributors, to make this something we could all be extremely proud of. I set out to create this book not as a tome specifically for fans of Critical Role, but as a love letter to the D&D community as a whole. Those who follow our adventures will find many familiar and enjoyable elements that tie into what they’ve experienced within our campaign. However, I want this book to not only be a vibrant, unique setting for non-critter players and Dungeon Masters young and old, experienced or new, but also a resource of inspiration for DMs to pull from regardless of what setting they are running their game in. I’ve done my very best to make it a dynamic, breathing world full of deep lore, detailed factions and societies, a sprawling gazetteer, heaps of plot hooks, and numerous mechanical options/items/monsters to perhaps introduce into your own sessions, or draw inspiration from to cobble together your own variations. I wanted this to be a book for any D&D player, regardless of their knowledge of (or appreciation of, for that matter) Critical Role. I made this for ALL of you.

I am also well-aware of how much negativity can permeate these spaces regarding myself and the games we play, and that’s ok! One could never expect our form of storytelling and gaming to be everyone’s cup of tea, and it could very well be that this just isn’t the book for you. I don’t begrudge you that, and I only hope one day we get a chance to roll some dice at a convention and swap stories about our love of the game. I know for folks, this isn't necessarily what they were hoping for the announcement to be, and for that I'm sorry.

As a person excited and clamoring for new settings to be brought into the D&D multiverse, I also understand the frustrations from some that this isn’t one of the “classics”. Believe you me, I’m one of the those who is ever-shouting “I want my Planescape/Dark Sun”, and said so loudly… multiple times while in the WotC offices. Know that my setting doesn’t eliminate, delay, or consume any such plans they may have for any future-such projects! I’m not stepping on such wonderful legacy properties, these same ones that inspired me growing up. This is just the new-kid stepping into that area and hoping one of the older kids will sit and have lunch with them. ;) If Wizards has any plans to release any of their much-demanded settings, they’ll come whether or not Wildemount showed up.

I also wanted to comment on the occasionally-invoked negative opinions on my homebrew designs I’ve seen here… and they aren’t wrong! I don’t have the lengthy design history and experience that many of you within this community do have. Outside of small, home-game stuff I messed with through the 2000’s, my journey on the path of public homebrew began as a reaction to online community demand and throwing out my inexperienced ideas in a very public space. Much of my early homebrew was myself learning as I went (as all of us begin), only with a large portion of the internet screaming at me for my mistakes and lack of knowledge. Even my Tal’Dorei Guide homebrew was rushed due to demands being made of me, and I continue to learn so many lessons since. The occasional unwarranted intensity aside, there is much appreciated constructive criticism I’ve received over the years (from reddit included) that has helped me grow and improve. Anyway, what I mention all this for is to express my thanks for all the wonderful feedback, the chances to learn from all of you as time has gone on, and the many elements of this book reflect that improvement as I took those lessons and collaborated with the official WotC team to make this as good as it could be.

Anyway, that’s enough rambling from an insecure nerd. I’m extremely proud of what we’ve done with this book. I hope you give it a shot and enjoy it. I really do. If you choose to pass on it, that’s totally cool and am just happy we find joy in the same pastime. Either way, be kind to each other, and keep on forging amazing stories together. <3


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I am not a fan of Critical Role, and have the unpopular opinion that some of the stuff it brings to the table has actually hurt the D&D experience. I also was disappointed seeing that this book was being released and bringing Matt's setting into the realm of "official D&D cannon" (if you can call it that).

That said, Mr. Mercer gets "it," and it's hard to be negative about the guy or begrudge his vision/version of D&D after reading commentary like that. Well said.
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Not sure where you’re reading any sort of apology in that post, but Matt is perhaps too aware for his own good of the toxic elements of the dnd fandom, and almost always acknowledges criticism in announcements like this.

overall, there isn’t that much negativity. About as much as there always is for new nerd stuff.

I'll point out that Matt did not call anyone toxic, and I don't think there is any need too. Its most he is well aware of the D&D fans begging for attention to their favourite setting and has made it clear it sympathizes and Exandia is not coming at another settings expense (which I believe, partly because WotC was really just proving assistance on this project, and giving its seal of officialness too it).

"As a person excited and clamoring for new settings to be brought into the D&D multiverse, I also understand the frustrations from some that this isn’t one of the “classics”. Believe you me, I’m one of the those who is ever-shouting “I want my Planescape/Dark Sun”, and said so loudly… multiple times while in the WotC offices. Know that my setting doesn’t eliminate, delay, or consume any such plans they may have for any future-such projects! I’m not stepping on such wonderful legacy properties, these same ones that inspired me growing up. This is just the new-kid stepping into that area and hoping one of the older kids will sit and have lunch with them. ;) If Wizards has any plans to release any of their much-demanded settings, they’ll come whether or not Wildemount showed up."

Which proves as I said that Wildemount is not taking a slot, we will likely also be getting other setting or settings this year.


Even if ya don't like the setting, just mine the book for the Subclasses, crunch, and other good stuff.

That's what I'll likely do, if the crunch interests me. I have no interest in this setting or, really, many of the old ones like Dark Sun, Spelljammer, etc. (I've got Eberron, and Greyhawk really doesn't need anything crunch-wise), so any setting book is going to simply be a crunch delivery system to me.


I am not a fan of Critical Role, and have the unpopular opinion that some of the stuff it brings to the table has actually hurt the D&D experience. I also was disappointed seeing that this book was being released and bringing Matt's setting into the realm of "official D&D cannon" (if you can call it that).

That said, Mr. Mercer "gets it," and it's hard to be negative about the guy or begrudge his vision/version of D&D after reading commentary like that. Well said.

I think of a lot of folks in Hollywood should take notes on how to deal with fans who are unhappy or potentially unhappy with how an IP is being handled. That is how you defang and calm down angry elements in a fandom. I don't watch Crit Role, but I'm extremely impressed by his handling of critics and my respect for him is much greater.


As I said in another forum:
I am an old grumpy man and I don´t like the announcement because I hoped for something completely different. I am no "Critter", I won´t (or have) watch(ed) "Critical Role" and I won´t buy the book.

If I want my now 5 year old son to have a chance to play an actual version of D&D when he´s a young adult I have to face the "new reality". And Matt is really the last person to blame for this product (and no other announcement from WotC) and he has done more to attract younger people to the hobby I love than many many others in the recent past.

So, thumbs up for him...to WotC: Not so.


For some. For every critter I know, it’s a show. We watch/listen to a show. Not much to do really with watching someone play a game, in the way that football is watching someone play a game. Instead, it’s more like a TV show whose characters play a game I like and know very well.

More like next-level improv theatre than a sport. Mark Miller (of Traveller) said once that TTRPG were digital to the analog of older forms like improv sketch or model UN, and I think something like CR shows that in a big way.


On the day your new book is announced the author seemed to spend more time addressing people who don't like his show/style, his homebrew rules, his product not being the product others were hoping for, and his first book not being up to snuff. While he doesn't say "I'm sorry", it's essentially an apology for everyone who doesn't like CR, or didn't want this book.

I'm way out of the loop on his show (I tried to watch an episode- not my thing), his setting, his rules, etc. So I'm not knocking the guy. I'm sure he's a cool dude. His post is pretty akward for a new book announcement- I doubt you'd see the same thing from Monte Cook, Mearls, Green wood, etc.

As someone who is a "critter once removed"--meaning my (teen/young adult) children are critters and that I occasionally watch with them, this (reddit post) sounds exactly like Matt; I could literally hear his voice as I read it. He's passionate about bringing people together, not polarizing them, he's modest and humble, and he wants there to be room at the table (or at least A table) for everyone. He's also someone who is sensitive to criticism and a bit too quick to take responsibility for other people's distress/anger/disappointment than I think is necessary or healthy for him. He's also very genuine, and willing to be astoundingly vulnerable to his fans at times. All of that is part of why CR has created the community it has. It may not be wise "business practice" for an earlier era or certain market segments, but it's absolutely what critters expect of him. And, based on my observations of my children and their friends (not all of whom are critters), it may very well be that Matt's approach is more attractive to the "younger generations" than stock "business" wisdom.


At least it doesn't have characters in Business attire like Aquisitions inc. Still its a book for the streamers so I'm not really its audience.

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