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TSR When TSR Passed On Tolkien

Benjamin Riggs recently revealed this tidbit of TSR history -- Lorraine Williams passing on the rights to Tolkien's works in 1992! "So, in 1992, TSR almost acquired the rights to JRR Tolkien's work. John Rateliff was sent to London to negotiate the deal, missing Gen Con. (Apparently, no TSR employees were allowed to miss Gen Con, but he was for this...) He met Christopher Tolkien at the...

Benjamin Riggs recently revealed this tidbit of TSR history -- Lorraine Williams passing on the rights to Tolkien's works in 1992!


"So, in 1992, TSR almost acquired the rights to JRR Tolkien's work. John Rateliff was sent to London to negotiate the deal, missing Gen Con. (Apparently, no TSR employees were allowed to miss Gen Con, but he was for this...) He met Christopher Tolkien at the Harper-Collins offices, where he asked for the rights to make RPGs, merch, and new books set in Middle-Earth. Chris Tolkien said yes to the RPGs, and some merch, but no to the fiction line.

Back in Lake Geneva, Rateliff communicated this to TSR CEO Lorraine Williams. Rateliff said, "Her immortal words were, ‘Not worth our while.’”

She then passed on the whole deal."

Rateliff wrote the book The History of the Hobbit: The Hobbit / Mr. Baggins / Return to Bag-end.


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Deleted member 7015506

Just as a side note:

Last week I went with my daughter (6 years old) to the public library to get her more "The Smurfs" comic books (she loves those small blue gnomes). And when we entered, have an educated guess, what was on display for "The book of the month"?

A starting box of Pathfinder 1e with those stand-up paper minis!

And she likes skipping through my collection of OSR and D&D books, she was keen on getting that item back to home to play the game.

Now for the current discussion. Would it helped TSR to publish something similar for ME or D&D (okay I know crossover to another discussion, sorry for hijacking).? My bet is a definitive yes. Game accessories besides blank books enhance sales (subjective opinion here).

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Totally Awesome Pirate Brain

Say what you will about Jeremy Irons in this movie; at least he was having fun.

He knew it was bad, it was a paycheque (probably a decent one), so he played a scenery chewing villain to the hilt. What else can do but over act, when the dialogue is... bad?


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Dangit! I read the headline and came here to dump on Lorraine Williams, only to read the posts and be convinced that she made the right decision. Damn you all and your well-reasoned posts!

In all honesty, we should be glad it never happened. Just think, instead of the Peter Jackson movies, we would have ended up with a LoTR movie akin to the Dungeons and Dragons movie. ;)

That is what I was thinking too. lol

As for the original offer/attempt to buy the rights, no one writes and publishes fiction novels in Middle-Earth if your last name is not Tolkien, so no way Christopher would have sold the rights to new novels in Middle-Earth, or ever will. I do not think any past or present attempts of RPGs in Middle-Earth even contain any short story-type fiction.

Ahem (scroll down to the list of what we’re doing).


You know, I never even bother going to the C7 website since they nuked their forums. Such a pointless move. I do still follow them on Facebook, though. Also, maybe you missed the threads here about the 2nd Ed and the cover art and the outrage of showcasing a beardless female dwarf.


The EN World kitten
As for the original offer/attempt to buy the rights, no one writes and publishes fiction novels in Middle-Earth if your last name is not Tolkien, so no way Christopher would have sold the rights to new novels in Middle-Earth, or ever will. I do not think any past or present attempts of RPGs in Middle-Earth even contain any short story-type fiction.

Not legally, at least. Though I'll add that I found that particular story to be quite entertaining.

James, I recall you mentioning (at the Candlekeep seminar back at Gen Con 2017) that the fiction part of the company continued to be profitable after the sale of TSR to WotC, and it only came to an end a few years ago when Hasbro shut it down due to the fact that, while it was still making money, it wasn't making enough money for them to consider it worthwhile. Can you confirm that again here?

Yes, that's my understanding of the situation. The fiction continued to make money for Wizards, especially the Salvatore Drizzt books, right up until the fiction line stopped. In fact, Wizards still makes money off all the TSR/WotC fiction they keep in print. A couple times a year I receive royalties for ebook and audiobook sales of the novels and stories I wrote in the early 1990s. The payments are not huge after so many years, but still not zero.

Wizards also makes money off the books other houses publish under license, like the new Drizzt novels or the Matt Forbeck pick-a-path books. They get a licensing fee for those. And, they do not have to keep a fiction department or other fiction specialists around to edit, distribute, and advertize them, only someone or a small team to approve the licensed content.

The full reason Wizards shuttered the fiction line is complicated. The line generated profit, but that it was not enough profit to counterbalance cost or match the money Hasbro/WotC would make by investing company resources elsewhere is a big part of it. There was a clash at WotC about the role and status of fiction within the brands, too, one that mirrored debates that happened at TSR. Which team gets to set the direction for the Realms, for example--fiction or the RPGs? Overall, Hasbro was never fully on board being a fiction publisher, as that requires staff and expertise they normally would not have. They're used to licensing that kind of stuff, as they are doing now.

--Jim Lowder
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Things like this are always interesting as they put into questions many things stated by Dancey and others.

Ryan Dancey described seeing all the returns in the TSR warehouse, especially novels. But you have to view that image in context. The returns were not there simply because no one wanted the products. When Ryan toured the TSR warehouse, it was after Random House had flushed all TSR products out of their system, because the book trade distribution deal TSR had with Random House had collapsed. RH returned all the products and demanded repayment of all the money they had paid to TSR on receiving those products--every penny paid for any product that had not yet sold--because their deal with the company was over. If RH had held on to the books, a significant portion of that stuff would have sold.

Yes, TSR had been overprinting and overshipping products to Random House, because the company got paid on ship, not sale. (And fiction authors were paid royalties months after reported sales; so TSR held the money they received from RH on a novel's ship until sales were recorded and royalties eventually issued, meaning they made interest on that money during that lag. Giving them more reason to overship.) Yes, the company was cannibalizing its market by publishing too many different game lines and, with fiction, too many individual books. Remember, though: those books were still selling, just not to the level at which TSR was shipping them to Random House. And there were people in house at TSR warning upper management this was a bad practice as far back as 1990 or 1991.

Had TSR not been, essentially, digging the debt hole with Random House deeper with every product ship in the mid-1990s--had the company set realistic sales targets and not used Random House as an ATM--they probably would not have swamped themselves financially. That's not the only reason the company floundered, though, so who knows if it would have been enough to save them?

--Jim Lowder
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