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Completed Creatures Index & Current Conversions


If we can actually knock off another epic threat or two, that list is almost done! And I'd actually support saving the titan for later in order to include the gila monster with the lizard lord....

I'm thinking we could simultaneously convert the Wolf Lord and Andromidus on separate thread to save some time.

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Extradimensional Explorer
It would help with that batch, though I think having fewer threads may help more in the following sense: I have a fixed (small) amount of time to post, so presumably we'll finish critters at the same average rate over the long term. But with fewer threads, each monster will take less actual time --- they'll come out more often rather than in bunches. Plus I may be able to remember what we're doing on each one better...


It would help with that batch, though I think having fewer threads may help more in the following sense: I have a fixed (small) amount of time to post, so presumably we'll finish critters at the same average rate over the long term. But with fewer threads, each monster will take less actual time --- they'll come out more often rather than in bunches. Plus I may be able to remember what we're doing on each one better...

I'm OK doing whichever you prefer.

I can always write up some Homebrews for the Infinite Staircase thread if I get bored.:cool:


Yikes, that thread is now a massive wall of text! I think I'll skip it in favor of shorter ones until I feel up to it...

The "Wall of Text" is mostly monster homebrews that you need not bother with regarding the current conversion.

The latest Kamerel-related post is about the shrunken monsters the Kamerel mage's transport/summon with their mirror magic.

The one before that concerns the "Plane of Reflection" the Kamerel can move to.

The one before that asks about Skill Ranks for the Working Draft Kamerel Warrior (plus a bit more concerning the "summon mirror monster" spell(s) of the Kamerel mage.


I've updated the Batches To Come post and the Creatures Awaiting Upload & Current Conversions list.

The Epic batch and Shapeshifters batch are now one monster away from completion - so we might actually have a CC update before too long!


We've finally finished one of the Batches To Come, namely the skinchangers:

Were-Things That Go Bump In The Night? Here!

Bird Maiden FINISHED [From Monstrous Manual]
Hyenawere FINISHED [From Al-Qadim Monstrous Compendium]
Leopardwere FINISHED
Loup du Noir FINISHED [From Dark of the Moon]
Lycanthrope, Wereleopard FINISHED
Seawolf, Greater FINISHED [From Monster Manual II]
Lycanthrope, Wererat, Greater FINISHED [From BECMI D&D]
Lycanthrope, Wererat Lord FINISHED [From Dungeon #62]

The CC doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but we'll hopefully add the batch to it soon.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes. darjr is aware of the problem, though, and is working on it as he has time. But the CC really needs a new server, apparently, so it may take a while.

Voidrunner's Codex

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