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[Adventure] Trouble in Moonwatch (Judge:TwoHeadsBarking)

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Lanharath smiles inwardly as Thusk waves his arms about and yells, making his job all the easier. His constant yelling questions practically ensured that he would get a flurry of the correct images. It's kind of like having someone walk up to you and say "Do NOT think about ZEBRAS. Whatever you do, do NOT think about them. It will kill you if you think about ZEBRAS. ZEBRAS are evil!". After hearing that, it is literally impossible for the image or thought of a zebra to NOT flash through your mind at least subconsciously.

"Thank you Thusk! That was quite helpful! We will have to remember to have you do that in the future."

[sblock=OOC] BTW, nice rolls guys! [/sblock]

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"I suggest we go talk to the harbormaster, he should probably know more about the ships in the port than anyone else... I just hope he will have a little bit of time for us." suggests River. He walks up to the office and tries to get attention of him or one of his employees and asks if they have any information about The Horrible Fall.

A well-dressed man sits behind a large desk, his black ink-stained fingers pore over a large tome, while he dips a feathered quill into an inkwell and makes some notes. He doesn't even look up at your entrance, replying "You're looing for the Horrible Fall?Hmmm....ahhh...yes. It's down on pier 883, quite a ways down." the man replies, then dismisses you with a casual wave.

Pulling a silver piece form his pocket, he approached a beggar, somebody that wasn't in a hurry with anything. Holding out the silver piece, the paladin speaks in the man's mind, calmly not to startle him. "Where might I find the The Horrible Fall or Captain Dumain."

The beggar's eyes light up and he takes a bite at it to inspect the coin. Apparantly satisfied, he says "Oi, down the ways a bit, past the Blue Bayou and the Sahuagin's Nightmare. Jess watch out fer that Dumain, he'd slit his brothers throat if the price was right. HAHAHAHA!" the man replies, cackling in his rags and filth.

Oooh! Oooooh!!
Thusk is staring at retty much everything as he walks together with the rest of the party (except the gnome, he must be late). After a few minutes of childish amazement, Thusk decides that it's time to help his new-made friends find the ship.
So, Thusk starts waving his hands high in the middle of a crowd, asking, as loud as he can: Where to the Horrible Fall?? Where to the Horrible Fall???

Many people begin avoiding you like the plague, but eventually one man loading some crates in the area gets tired of your constant shouting and says "It's about a kilometer down that way" the barrel-chested man says, gesturing to the east.

Ok, so I have 3 successes, with 1 failure (from Pok). Just need something from Lanharath


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Lanharath leads the band of adventurers through the docks, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that would distinguish The Horrible Fall from the rest of the ships in this area. Lanharath shouts out to all of the miscreants, asking rather loudly as to where The Horrible Fall was located, and even though he received no responses from the busy crew members, he knew it would spark a memory and something would flash through their minds. As quickly as he could he swept the area telepathically, attempting to sift through all of the random images and surface thoughts that these beings were emanating, to try to find the correct image and then match it to something that can be physically seen, smelled, or heard, even if it's just a particular path to guide them in the right direction.

[sblock=Mental Manipulation] 2d20.takeHighest(1) + 19=38!!! [/sblock]

Err.... I fail. Sorry.

After the party meets back up and discusses the various pieces of information they received, you travel towards The Horrible Fall and adventure. With Lanharath's keen eyes, and the directions garnered from the harbourmaster, the beggar, and the dock worker, you find the ship and a man waiting impatiently on deck. He calls out "S'bout time you showed up, I was gonna have ta send a search party for ya. It costs extra for that" the man says with a grin, then he lowers the gangplank and calls you up. You see only a few crewman, finishing up preperations on deck and looking over at the motley crew in amazement.

"So, ready to be off to Moonwatch? Welcome aboard The Horrible Fall" the Half-Elven Captain Dumain asks, gesturing grandly to the keelboat, with a single square-masted sail and flying the colours of House Lyrandar.

Climbing aboard, the group settles in for the short journey to Moonwatch. In the distance the City of Towers shrinks in the horizon and gradually disappears. The trip is roughly 175 miles up the Hilt and will take about three days at the slower pace required down the shallower areas.

[sblock=Captain Dumain]


*Congratulations, defeating the skill challenge. This will net 40 xp each (200 for overcoming the level 5, complexity 1 challenge)

Are you going to aid on deck? Are there watches set? Please let me know actions for the trip.


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Lanharath nods and smirks to the Captain.

"We will volunteer for the Crows Nest. Our keen eyes will be best used when we have a vantage point to look from."

As he makes his way onto the ship and begins climbing the main-mast, he looks the ship and it's crew over, making note of the weapons and provisions that can be seen. He also tries to look for any weak points the ship might have, such as the inability to maneuver in certain ways due to the ships design or for flaws in the way the Captain's crew operates the ship. After taking a position in the crows nest, he unstraps his crossbow from his side and makes sure that there was a full clip in it. After making sure his equipment was secure and ready, he looked into the distance all around the ship, keeping an eye out for trouble.

[sblock=Eyes of a Hawk] The first roll (38) is for looking over the ship. The second roll (35) is for looking at the crew. The third roll (35) is for his first shift in the crows nest as they travel, looking out for danger.



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Ah yes, Thusk help, you teach, he does! Help! But, why bad name? Brings bad luck! says Thus to the captain, getting on board.

[sblock=help]Thusk's Athletics is at +13, and Endurance at +12. So I guess he can help with the workload on the ship.[/sblock]


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River looks at Lanharath going for the Crow Nest. He have done so even before the captain had a time to answer. "I would be surprise to learn there is no crew that can do that on this ship... and with the name of the ship, it would be the last place I would go." tells River to Thusk who is next to him. He then walk to the captain. "My name is River. I'm a member of Jorasco house. For the duration of the trip, I am willing to help you and your crew on any health problem and wounds. I will only charge the cost of the materials I need to use if any. I don't seek profit and I won't charge my time as I have nothing else to do during the few day we travel."


First Post
Lanharath nods and smirks to the Captain.

"We will volunteer for the Crows Nest. Our keen eyes will be best used when we have a vantage point to look from."

"My thanks for your offer of lookout, we have a few guys who keep an eye on things, but out at sea, it's never bad to have an extra set" The Captain replies, gesturing to the steering wheel.

*The boat is more like this, for such a short journey in relatively shallow waters they probably wouldn't use a galleon (less the American Flags, replace with Lyrandar colours:


You notice no weapons on any of the men, besides the Captain's cutlass. There are a couple spears at each side of the ship, and you spot a couple more cutlass' near the door leading below deck. The crew seem able and capable. The ship appears like it's constructed to be used in shallow waters, manueverability is acceptable, can be aided by a few oars, and has generally low sides.

Ah yes, Thusk help, you teach, he does! Help! But, why bad name? Brings bad luck! says Thus to the captain, getting on board.

[sblock=help]Thusk's Athletics is at +13, and Endurance at +12. So I guess he can help with the workload on the ship.[/sblock]

"Always glad to have a strong arm onboard" the Captain says, clasping Thusk on the shoulder, adding "You ain't never been to sea before have ye? The bad name keeps away the bad luck"

River looks at Lanharath going for the Crow Nest. He have done so even before the captain had a time to answer. "I would be surprise to learn there is no crew that can do that on this ship... and with the name of the ship, it would be the last place I would go." tells River to Thusk who is next to him. He then walk to the captain. "My name is River. I'm a member of Jorasco house. For the duration of the trip, I am willing to help you and your crew on any health problem and wounds. I will only charge the cost of the materials I need to use if any. I don't seek profit and I won't charge my time as I have nothing else to do during the few day we travel."

"Your services would be most welcome, and know that House Lyrandar will cover the cost of your services, should they be necessary to my crew. Let's hope they aren't Dumain says with a wink.


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[sblock=ooc] The link you gave seems to be bad...gives a 403 error saying I don't have permission to access that file. If the ship is too small to have an actual crows nest, Lanharath will just stand at the tallest point that he is allowed to be and keep a look out as they sail. [/sblock]

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